Can someone else on my phone plan see my texts?

Can someone else on my phone plan see my texts?

If you are charged for data sent to your phone, the bill likely will show when it was sent. However, the phone bill does not tell you what was written in a text message or show you the picture. That’s because these records often show messages sent and received by someone else, and that person has privacy rights.

Can you get a transcript of text messages?

If you want to create a transcript of SMS conversations, you need to use third-party applications to extract them. Apps to export messages and create SMS transcripts are available for iPhones, Android devices and Windows Phones.

Can my wife see my texts Verizon?

So the short answer no you cannot see your text messages online. Verizon keeps all SMS records. If the phone has a myverizon account, then you can open the messaging web app.

Can the account holder see my Internet history Verizon?

I’m 99% sure the answer is no, the primary account holder cannot see the browsing history on your wireless device via the account web page.

Can my parent see what websites I go on?

Can my parents see my browsing history through our web providers website? No. They can only access this through the computer itself. No, if you have deleted your search and website history, there is no way anyone can know about which websites you have visited except Google.

Can Family Plan see browsing history?

It will not show what sites were accessed. No they cannot. This can be found by going through the internet settings on your phone and you can see every site you have ever visited that your phone has cached the data for.

Can you see browsing history on phone bill?

No. Your internet history never appears on your bill. However, deleting your history on your device does not erase all evidence of you having visited a site. Service provider will still have track of all those sites which you have visited and these information will not be captured in phone bill.

Can WiFi provider see your deleted history?

Yes, it is still visible and not deleted from existence. So anything you have looked at will be available for your ISP to deliver to the account holder or law enforcement/government agencies etc.

Can WiFi check your history?

A WiFi owner can see what websites you visit while using WiFi as well as the things that you search on the Internet. When deployed, such a router will track your browsing activities and log your search history so that a WiFi owner could easily check what websites you were visiting on a wireless connection.

Can WiFi owner see what sites I visited incognito?

Unfortunately, YES. WiFi owners, such as your local Wireless Internet Service Provider (WISP), are able to track the websites you have visited via their servers. This is because your browser’s incognito mode does not have control over internet traffic.

Can parents see incognito history?

Nope, your parents can’t see your incognito searches. As long as you close the incognito window, then no one can see your search history done in that window. However, this assumes that no extensions or other monitoring software is running..

Can your school see your deleted history?

The answer to the second question is a resounding NO. Even when you delete your browsing history, your network administrator can still access it and see what sites you’ve been visiting and how long you spent on a specific webpage.

Can my school see my Internet history at home?

Being a school, monitoring might not be too sophisticated, but potentially, it could. If you are online via your internet provider at home, when you use your browser to log into a website, that website can monitor everything you do on it, but not more. Not another browser tab, not another browser altogether.

Can school WiFi see your texts?

If you use the schools WiFi. As the owner of the access point they can see all the websites you access, all the apps that you are using, what you type in your searches or translator apps, but they can not see you SMS messages, your mails, or your Social media messages.

Can my school see my deleted emails?

Yes, schools HAVE ACCESS to your emails, but probably won’t access it unless there is suspicion of cheating or something like that.

Can your school see your incognito?

The simple answer is YES! Everything you do on the laptop is stored. Even if you use incognito. In addition, if you are using the school’s WiFi, everything you do (regardless of whether it is your device or the district’s) could be monitored.

Can Incognito history be recovered?

In the Control panel, select the Logs section or find Administrator > logs. Check out the log and restore incognito history.

Can admins see search history?

No! your search and browsing history will not be revealed to the admin. however admin can at any point access your email, and if while browsing you have used your email due to which you receive email, that can be trouble.

Can my employer see my Google search history?

All right, so Google doesn’t let other employers see your search history. But they surely do it themselves when hiring someone new, right? The short answer: No, they don’t. Long answer: It’s complicated.