Can you join the navy if you have a child?

Can you join the navy if you have a child?

Military Regulations and Dependents Navy: The Navy requires a waiver for any applicant with more than one dependent (including the spouse). Marine Corps: In the Marine Corps, a waiver is required if an applicant has any dependent under the age of 18.

Is the Navy good for a family?

When not at sea, the Navy has a fairly good quality of life program that includes family housing, on-base shopping and services, and recreation. At most bases, married sailors are given a choice of living in family housing, or living off base at a place of their choosing, with a monthly housing allowance.

Can family visit during Navy a school?

Navy A School Graduation When Sailors have completed their A School training they will graduate and receive a certification of completion. It is not common for families to attend their Sailor’s A School graduation, especially if they do not live in or near the area of the School.

What happens if you fail a school in the Navy?

If you failed your A School you were sent to the fleet as a undesignated seaman. If you failed your A School you were sent to the fleet as a undesignated seaman. A Non-rate. There you generally ended up in Deck division under the loving care of the salty Boatswain’s mates.

Can you choose where to be stationed in the Navy?

Yes there are exceptions but there is no guarantee even if they give you a choice. Especially your first base after training.

What will disqualify you from the Navy?

If you have been convicted of a felony as an adult or a juvenile for offenses involving violence, domestic violence, illegal drugs, or sexual misconduct, you will be disqualified from serving in the Navy.

How long is navy training?

approximately seven weeks

Do you get paid in Navy boot camp?

Will I Be Paid in Boot Camp? Yes, your pay starts the day you get to boot camp. Most new enlisted Sailors start out at the E-1 pay grade, but there are exceptions. You may also be eligible for additional bonuses and allowances.

Is Navy boot camp 7 days a week?

While it’s called Boot Camp, it’s really a huge campus that includes both classroom and lots of hands-on training. The training is rigorous and demanding. And once you finish, it’s something to be proud of. Here’s what to expect throughout the 7- to 9-week schedule.

Do you get free time in Navy boot camp?

If you’re in basic training in the Marines, you have about four hours of limited, on-base, in barracks, “free time” each week, after the first couple weeks, for the 12 week duration of basic training (boot camp). However, other services provide more free time during their basic training. Yes, of course.

How many hours of sleep do you get in Navy boot camp?

In the middle of the night, the RDCs will yell that a man is overboard. When they start training, recruits must account for all shipmates withing 10 minutes. Before they graduate, they have five minutes. “There’s no guarantee for eight hours sleep in boot camp anymore,” said Bernacchi.

Is Navy boot camp hard?

The first three weeks of Navy Boot Camp are clearly the toughest (physically, and stressfully). Get through the first three weeks, and you’ll almost assuredly graduate. As with Army and Air Force Basic Training, during the first couple of weeks, you’ll find that no one can seem to do anything right.

How often do you come home in the Navy?

Normally ships will go to sea for 10 days to 2 weeks each month for training operations in preparation for deployment. Extended operations away from home port can last up to 6 to 9 months, and ships typically deploy once every 18-24 months.

Can you fail Navy boot camp?

About 000 recruits graduate annually from the Navy’s only boot camp. Navy recruits who fail to meet the requirement will have 48 hours to retest. If they fail a second time, they will be sent home. They may be able to reapply with a waiver from Navy Recruiting Command.

How much do u run in Navy boot camp?

All recruits arriving at the Navy’s boot-camp will complete an initial 1.5 mile run. Male recruits must complete the run in 16 minutes 10 seconds or less, the female recruits in 18 minutes 37 seconds or less.

What is the hardest part of Navy boot camp?

Navy Boot Camp: The First Step is the Hardest

  • shut up (or figure out how to not get caught talking to each other)
  • sleep.
  • receive letters.
  • be ready to miss loved ones.
  • shut up.
  • study.
  • eat healthy.
  • *attitude is everything – squash your ego*

Is joining the Navy worth it?

The Navy really is one of the best ways to get paid while seeing the world. Chances are that during a 4-year enlistment, you will deploy at least 1 time, often on a ship. Most ships stop at 4-8 ports during their deployment and some stop at even more.

Is joining the Navy a bad idea?

You will learn to be disciplined in the way you act and work with others as a team. Something many people will never learn. But if you want to join it just as a 9–5 job, or have unrealistic expectations to become SOF or some other kind of fantasy, then it usually isn’t a good idea.

Is Navy Easy to get into?

Getting to the Navy Getting into the Navy is not an easy task. Aside from medical and physical standards, there are height and weight standards, criminal standards, as well as academic standards. The Navy requires a ​ minimum ASVAB score of 35 to enlist in the regular Navy.

Are cell phones allowed on Navy ships?

Ultimately, though, it’s up to each individual command. And they’re never allowed in controlled and sensitive locations on the ship. Yes and no. While underway on submarines, you can have personal electronic devices (PEDs) a category which includes phones.

Do cell phones work on Navy ships?

Do NOT use the cell phone at sea or in foreign ports. Some ships have satellite phones the sailors can pay to use now and then. They can use their laptops on board to watch movies and play games.

Do sailors get days off?

In the Merchant Navy operating on a 3-watch system, there are no days off at sea. If you’re out to sea, you can’t afford to have a large chunk of people taking the day off. In addition to your normal duties, there are also underway watches that have to be manned.

Do navy get weekends off?

Do any soldiers get all weekends off when stationed stateside? No. If you head to the field, pull CQ, HQ duty, or any of a slew of other duties, you will work on the weekend.

Does the Navy get holidays off?

No holidays, NO sick days. Also, you cannot call in sick. In order for you to be considered sick enough to not show up for work would require a visit to sick bay (medical) and they would determine if you are sick enough for bed rest.

How often will I see my family in the Navy?

The ship’s sailing program can range from a single day sortie to two to three month long offshore deployment. So you may get to see your family almost everyday , sometimes just once a week or sometimes just once in a month or three months.