Do nurses have affairs with doctors?

Do nurses have affairs with doctors?

In an unscientific poll, I asked more than 100 nurses whether they or nurse colleagues had engaged in a sexual relationship with a doctor, nurse, or other coworker. Eighty-seven percent said yes. Nurses describe affairs with doctors, trysts with staff, and certain infamous units.

Are nurses likely to cheat?

Nurses are more likely to have affairs than athletes, musicians and DJs. Amazingly those in the healthcare profession are third most likely to have an affair, coming after those who work in finance, such as bankers, brokers and analysts, and aviation crew, like pilots and flight attendants.

Who do nurses usually marry?

Female registered nurses are most likely to marry male managers or female registered nurses. Male registered nurses are most likely to marry female or male registered nurses.

Is it hard to be married to a nurse?

The challenges of being married to a nurse are very real Patients that have drug problems, psychiatric issues and some that just don’t like being in a hospital setting. For myself, personally, the hardest part is the missed meals, and time with our kids. We both work full time, but opposite shifts.

Why are so many nurses divorce?

Juggling home and family with a demanding nursing shift leads to high divorce rates, even if the spouse is also a healthcare professional. A lack of empathy is another factor; some nurses feel that no matter how much their spouse listens, they don’t understand the stress a nurse endures on the job.

Do doctors and nurses get married?

Somehow, though, when nurses do date doctors, that romance is susceptible to more intense scrutiny than other relationships.” But there’s no denying that nurses and doctors do develop romantic attachments and sometimes even marry.

What’s it like being married to a nurse?

Being married to a nurse is sure to make you feel proud. Another thing you’ll likely experience while being married to a nurse is that you might wake up or go to sleep alone. Nurses are either gone or going out the door when you wake up, or they work during the night shift and you’re left going to bed all by yourself.