Do you need a lawyer for Family Court in NY?

Do you need a lawyer for Family Court in NY?

The parties in most Family Court proceedings have the right to have a lawyer. You are free to hire a lawyer of your choosing. If your particular case is one where you have the right to a lawyer, but you cannot afford to pay for your own lawyer, then the court will usually assign one to the represent you.

Are Family Court records public in NY?

The court records of Family Court proceedings are not open to public inspection. Persons directly involved with a case who wish to obtain a copy of a court order may request a copy at the Record Room of the courthouse where the case was heard; proof of the person’s identity is required.

How do I reschedule my family court date in NY?

How do I postpone a case? You may request a postponement (adjournment) of a matter in writing, upon notice to the opposing party. Your request must be submitted before the date of the scheduled appearance, and will be considered by the support magistrate or judge in the assigned part on the scheduled date.

What do family courts deal with?

The Family Court and Family Division deal with all kinds of legal disputes to do with children and the breakdown of relationships. Most seriously, the Family Court will deal with cases where the government (local councils, in practice) intervenes in a family to protect children from harm.

What happens at a family court hearing?

Evidence is heard, which will normally include parties being cross-examined. After having heard the evidence, the judge will decide whether the alleged incidents happened or not. In preparation for a Fact Finding Hearing the person making the allegations will be asked to send a list of the allegations to the court.

What evidence is inadmissible in court?

Evidence that can not be presented to the jury or decision maker for any of a variety of reasons: it was improperly obtained, it is prejudicial (the prejudicial value outweighs the probative value), it is hearsay, it is not relevant to the case, etc.

Are texts admissible in Family Court?

Producing text messages that are sent from the other party in your case are admissible in court under certain exceptions to the hearsay rule in California. Just as you can use your spouse’s text messages to prove your case, he or she can use your text messages to support his or her case.

Do I have the right to know where my child lives?

The simple answer is no, you have no right to know where he is. I can say this for certain as I had to take my ex to court to get her to disclose her address (shared residency at that time), because my case was unusual and the mum has a chequered past the court ordered her to disclose.