Do you need both signatures for an annulment?

Do you need both signatures for an annulment?

The Decree of Annulment. The Decree of Annulment is the final order that includes all the terms of the annulment. If both parties are signing the Decree: The Decree of Annulment must include all of the agreements between you and your spouse. You both must sign the Decree of Annulment.

What is a synonym for trunk?

Synonyms. trunk lid baggage locker luggage footlocker.

What is the door of a trunk called?

The trunk lid (in the U.S. automotive industry sometimes also called decklid or deck lid) is the cover that allows access to the main storage or luggage compartment.

What is called the tree trunk?

In botany, the trunk (or bole) is the stem and main wooden axis of a tree, which is an important feature in tree identification, and which often differs markedly from the bottom of the trunk to the top, depending on the species. The trunk is the most important part of the tree for timber production.

What’s another word for branch?

Branch Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for branch?

bough shoot
stem twig
arm limb
offshoot sprig
spray tillow

What is the meaning of branch?

noun. a division or subdivision of the stem or axis of a tree, shrub, or other plant. a limb, offshoot, or ramification of any main stem: the branches of a deer’s antlers. any member or part of a body or system; a section or subdivision: the various branches of learning.

What is the blended word of brunch?

What are blended words?

hangry (noun) hungry/anger
spork (noun) spoon/fork
brunch (noun) breakfast/lunch
chillax (verb) chill/relax
motel (noun) motor/hotel

What is the opposite of branch?

What is the opposite of branch?

divide separate
sever split
sunder widen
keep apart

What is the blended word of stay and vacation?


What is the blended word of electrocute?

The word electrocute was coined as a blend of electro- and execute to refer, obviously enough, to execution by administration of electricity.

What is the blended word of frenemy?

Answer. Frenemy (also spelled “frienemy”) is an oxymoron and a portmanteau of “friend” and “enemy” that refers to “a person with whom one is friendly, despite a fundamental dislike or rivalry” or “a person who combines the characteristics of a friend and an enemy”.

What is an example of blending?

Blending is defined as mixing two or more parts together. An example of blending is putting yogurt, milk and fruit together to make a smoothie. An example of blending is mixing two type of coffee to make a special flavor. The definition of a blending is a mix.

What are blended words called?

Portmanteau word

What is the blended words of smoke fog?

A portmanteau word is a type of compound word in which some sounds (phonemes) are blended rather than combined whole. For example, the words smoke + fog are combined to create the word smog.