Does dual military both get Bah?

Does dual military both get Bah?

In general, dual military couples without dependents each receive single BAH. Therefore, two military members not married to each other and living together could get BAH with dependents based on their status. If they get married one of them will lose the BAH with dependents, it will revert to single BAH.

Why do military guys move fast in relationships?

There can be many reasons for military guys to rush into a relationship. It could be due to their deployments being unpredictable, they are bored being single or they might even be trying to play with you. If they are playing with you, just give them what they want and you might not see them again.

Is a military relationship worth it?

Whether you’ve been in a military relationship for 2 months or two years, there will always be challenges. There’s also great reward, respect, love, and appreciation for your efforts as a military significant other. Military relationships aren’t easy, but they are worth it when you push through the hardest parts.

What should you not say to a deployed soldier?

20 Things You Should Never Say to Someone in the Military

  • “How many people have you killed?” Shutterstock.
  • “What kind of action did you see in combat?”
  • “When are you done?”
  • “I’m glad you made it back in one piece.”
  • “How could you leave your family for so long?”
  • “What do you think about what’s going on in the news?”
  • “What’s it really like over there?”
  • “Did anyone you know die?”

How do I keep my military relationship strong?

10 Tips for Keeping a Relationship Strong During Deployment and Separation

  1. Talk about your upcoming separation.
  2. Discuss how you will stay in touch.
  3. Establish mutual trust.
  4. Keep busy and stay active.
  5. If you have children, keep them occupied and on track.
  6. Supporting your children through the deployment cycle.

Do all sailors cheat?

Sailors have a reputation for sleeping with women when the ship docks in foreign lands. So yes it does happen a lot, but not everyone is doing it. My ex went into the Navy and I told a guy in my class (former sailor) that he was enlisting soon and he says “I hope you’re ready to get cheated on” My jaw dropped.