Does it matter who files for divorce first in California?

Does it matter who files for divorce first in California?

The first person to file for divorce in California is known as the petitioner. Most legal experts believe that there is little legal advantage to who files first because California is a no-fault divorce state, so the court really doesn’t care who files the petition first.

Does California require separation before divorce?

In California, there is no required separation period before you can get divorced. That means that you and your spouse are able to decide you want to get a divorce and, on the same day, file for divorce.

How expensive is divorce in California?

The average cost for a divorce in California is $17,500 when hiring divorce attorneys, according to a study by Martindale Nolo Research. If your divorce is relatively simple, the cost will be around a few thousand dollars at a minimum.

How long does divorce take in California?

6 months

How do I get a divorce in California with no money?

Requirements To Get a Divorce for FREE in California

  1. Have an amicable relationship with your spouse.
  2. Be in mutual agreement about asset division and debts.
  3. Be in mutual agreement about child custody, child support and alimony.

How long after a divorce can you remarry in California?

six months

How do you know if your divorce is final in California?

The date of filing can either be the day that you serve your spouse with the divorce papers, he or she files a response, or if you or your spouse file an Appearance, Stipulation, and Waiver. The court will give you a proof of written judgement that lets you know that your divorce is final.

What happens if you remarry without getting a divorce?

If you remarry another person before your divorce to your current spouse is final, this is considered bigamy. Committing bigamy in the United States is against the law in every state, and those who engage in it can be subject to both criminal and civil penalties.