Does Nate actually like Jules?

Does Nate actually like Jules?

It’s possible Nate actually does have genuine feelings for Jules, but as of right now, he’s unable to separate loving women from controlling them; to him, these concepts are one and the same. It’s not the kind of love that Jules, or Maddy, needs. In contrast to Jules, Rue sees Nate exactly for what he is.

Did Jules cheat on Rue?

That’s pretty clear when Rue describes feeling hurt that Jules cheated on her when she went to Los Angeles, but then proceeds to gloss over the fact, or not acknowledge, that the two of them never said they were dating.

What disorder does Jules have?

Jules has struggled with gender dysphoria and depression, and she distracts herself from her pain by hooking up with older, married men who she meets online.

Is Jules Midas daughter?

In Season 6, it was revealed that Jules is Midas’ daughter. It was revealed through dialogue introduced in Chapter 2: Season 6 that Jules invented a perpetual energy generator at age 12. She has special dialogue for Midas, Meowscles, Chaos Agent, and Brutus.

Is Jules Vaughn a man in real life?

Yes! Jules has actually been transitioning since she was 13-years-old, four years before the show starts. The character of Jules actually matches the actress who plays her, Hunter Schafer, who also transitioned into a transgender woman.

Is Jules a girl or boy?


Gender Male
Language(s) 1. Greek 2. Latin
Meaning 1. “downy-bearded” 2. “devoted to Jove”
Other names

Did Nate know he was talking to Jules?

The big question looms: Does he know he’s messaging Jules, and if so, what does he intend? If that’s the case, and Nate has never seen Jules’s face on the app, then that makes it fairly cut and dry: he doesn’t know who she is and is messaging her for his own reasons.

Is Jules a boy?

The show is Euphoria, HBO’s controversy-courting teen drama, and the character is Jules, a charismatic young transgender girl with Rapinoe-pink hair and a heart that looks for love in all the wrong places. The fact that Jules is transgender isn’t exactly a secret in the episodes that HBO has aired thus far.

Is Rue in love with Jules?

Despite their previous drama, the two reunite at the town carnival and pick right back up with their friendship like nothing ever happened. However, Rue’s sister is convinced their bond is more than a friendship: “Rue is in love with Jules, I think.”

Is Nate Jacobs in love with Jules?

Nate seems to continue to have feelings for Jules as well, following her, watching her house at night, staring at her and complimenting her to Rue. This is significant because Nate treats Jules much better than he does Maddy, never once calling her inappropriate slurs and speaks highly of her.

Does Nate kill Jules?

It is evident the possibility never even crossed his mind. Nate, on the other hand, nearly kills Jules at the end of their conversation.

Why did Nate catfish Jules?

Nate’s been struggling with his feelings toward Jules the entire season. From that first super-tense interaction at McKay’s party to the fact that he went out of his way to catfish her to “protect his dad,” it seems like his interest in her is more than just blackmail-oriented.

Did Jules hallucinate Nate?

Neither Nate nor Rue was really in that rave or that bedroom (the real Nate is at home being a snitch while Rue suffers through a depressive episode). They were both hallucinations caused by Jules subconscious thoughts and needs surrounding these two central fixtures in her life.

What does Nate do to Jules?

After their first kiss, Nate shoved his fingers into Jules’ mouth, just as his father did to her before. Nate had Jules file a fake police report through blackmail, which can be charged with a misdemeanor or felony, which are either less than a year or more than a year in jail, respectively.

Was McKay sexually assaulted?

“Euphoria” Episode 6 left people speechless as McKay, one of the lead characters, was seemingly raped – it not at the very least, sexually assaulted by eight frat boys. The scene was said to be so disturbing that this may have been the very reason why the actor who was originally casted to play McKay, quit the show.

Is Nate Jacobs a psychopath?

Unlike other TV jocks, Nate’s power trips come with layers of unresolved trauma. His calculating nature also sets him apart from the average ‘roidy football player. He’s not just aggressive; he’s psychopathic.

Does Nate Jacobs have anger?

As the first season of Euphoria comes to a close, one character is starting to reveal himself more and more as the show’s go-to villain. Nate Jacobs began the season as a typical douchey jock with some anger issues who also might also be going through a sexual identity crisis.