Does the military pay for child care?

Does the military pay for child care?

Military Child Care in Your Neighborhood, or MCCYN, is a DOD fee-assistance program available to qualifying families. This program offsets the cost of child care off the installation in community child care programs on behalf of families who are unable to access installation child care.

What month is Month of the Military Child?


What is military child care?

Each military service has an in-home childcare provider program that allows home-based babysitters both on base and off to be certified through the service. Those home-based centers accept a smaller number of children than traditional daycares. Fees for these providers are often the same as they are for the CDCs.

What is military care?

Sending a Military Care Package: What You Need to Know. Military care packages deliver a welcome piece of home to your service member while they’re away – whether that’s your child, fiancé, sibling or friend. They help both of you stay connected despite distance or duty….

Do you shower together in basic training?

In basic training, you take group showers. There’s no way out of communal showers. They’re required. Everyone in your barracks will enter the shower room assigned to your barracks when commanded.

What should I ask an army guy?

Military Voices Initiative: Great Questions

  • When were you drafted or when did you enlist?
  • What do you remember about the day you enlisted?
  • How did you tell your family and friends that you were joining the military?
  • If you enlisted, what were some of the reasons that you joined the military?
  • How did you imagine military life before you joined?

What can you not put in a military care package?

Not everything is suitable for a care package. Here’s a few things to avoid: DON’T send adult entertainment, alcohol or drugs (these items are illegal and can get the soldier in trouble) DON’T send aerosols or pressurized products….

What companies send stuff to deployed soldiers?

The good news is that there are many companies that send free care packages to service members who are deployed….12 Organizations that Send Deployment Care Packages

  • SeaBear Wild Salmon.
  • Books for Soldiers.
  • USO.
  • Operation Gratitude.
  • Boca Java Coffee.
  • Operation We Care.
  • Dunkin’ Donuts.
  • Naper Nuts & Sweets.

What to give someone who is deploying?

Pre-deployment gifts for the one leaving.

  • Journal. Many service members like to keep a record of events during deployment, whether it is personal experiences, funny stories, or just a place to unload private thoughts.
  • Matching jewelry.
  • Wallet insert.
  • Open When…
  • A paper hug.
  • Photos.
  • Religious Token.
  • Hidden messages.

Can you send pictures to basic training?

Letters – You can and should send him lots of letters while he is in training. Pictures – They are allowed to have pictures with them at training. However, do keep in mind that they have limited space….

How often should I write my boyfriend in basic training?

From a recent basic training graduate, please right as much as you can. Pictures, newspaper clippings, deep love letters, even short funny ones, and any other mementos go a long way. Write every day!

Can a drill sergeant hit you?

Except this is the new Army, an army that no longer allows drill sergeants to be cussing, ranting, abusive beasts. They cannot slap, hit, kick, punch or call privates names anymore.

Do guys shower together in basic training?

The shower is one large room, with several shower-heads. Everyone showers together. Don’t let this worry you, however. Most recruits worry about this before basic training, but they typically realize it’s not a big deal before long.

Is Army basic training 7 days a week?

Yes it is 7 days a week. There are no days ‘off’ at basic. There will be at least one instructor overseeing you even on weekends.

Will I die if I join the Army?

Joining the Army infantry usually does not cause death. The risks of just dropping dead after you join, since you generally have to be young and fit to get in the Army infantry, are also extremely low. In the current climate, the risks of an infantryman being killed in an accident or in combat, are also pretty low.

Do you get Sundays off in basic training?

On Sundays, you’re usually not doing any type of actual training, but you’ll still have to look busy cleaning weapons and barracks. Once you get to your job location, it’s usually Monday through Friday 9-5, (6am physical training). Weekends off.

Are cell phones allowed in basic training?

Historically, standard Army basic training rules allowed for well-performing platoons to be rewarded with phone calls home on Sundays. Recruits in many Army basic training platoons are now allowed to use personal cell phones to call friends and families, send text messages, and update their social media status.

How hard is boot camp?

Marine boot camp is considered more challenging, both physically and mentally, than the basic training programs of the other military services. It has been said time and time again by former Marines that Marine Corps recruit training was the most challenging thing they ever had to do in their entire lives.