How can I check my Indian court status online?

How can I check my Indian court status online?

Download eCourts Services App :

  1. Case Status. How to. a. Cases can be searched on the basis of Party Name, Case Number, Filing Number, Advocate Name, FIR Number, Act or Case Type.
  2. Court Orders. How to. a. Select State, District and Court Complex of the Case.
  3. Cause List. How to. a.
  4. Caveat Search. How to. a.

How do I check the status of my Supreme Court case?

Check status of pending and disposed cases of the Supreme Court of India. Users can search the status of cases by case number, title, advocate’s name, diary number, High Court Number and filing defects. Text-wise query search is also available.

Which court is the highest?

The Supreme Court

Who is the head judge of Supreme Court?

Sharad Arvind Bobde

Which is better IAS or judiciary?

Despite everything, no one can deny the fact that IAS officers are able to serve the society at large and are able to help a lot more people as compared to judicial officers. Judicial officers can help a limited number of people who appear in their court while an IAS can help anyone and everyone in the district.

Can a Supreme Court justice be fired?

The Constitution states that Justices “shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour.” This means that the Justices hold office as long as they choose and can only be removed from office by impeachment.

Who is Chief Justice right now?

John Roberts

Can a president change the chief justice?

A Chief Justice appointment may be made only when there is, or is scheduled to be, a vacancy in the position of Chief Justice; the President may not use the occasion of an Associate Justice vacancy to appoint someone to replace a sitting Chief Justice.

Which president nominated the most justices?

George Washington holds the record for most Supreme Court nominations, with 14 nominations (12 of which were confirmed). Making the second-most nominations were Franklin D. Roosevelt and John Tyler, with nine each (all nine of Roosevelt’s were confirmed, while only one of Tyler’s was).

Who is the youngest judge on the Supreme Court?

Barrett, 48, is below the median age of for a Supreme Court justice at confirmation, and is the youngest Supreme Court justice confirmed since Clarence Thomas was sworn in at 43 in 1991, according to USAFacts.

How many days a year does a Supreme Court justice work?

It’s hard to say just how many hours Justices spend working per week. What is known is that each month, they only have about 12 days of official responsibilities, at the most.

Who is the youngest judge in the world?

Jasmine Twitty

Does Chief Justice have more power?

He serves as chairman in the court and has authority to assign the writing of opinions in cases where he is a member of the majority; otherwise his powers are the same as those of any other Supreme Court justice. …

What makes the Chief Justice different?

The chief justice’s vote carries the same weight as those of the associate justices, though the role does require duties that the associate justices don’t perform. As such, the chief justice is traditionally paid more than the associate justices.

How did Roberts get to be chief justice?

But Chief Justice William Rehnquist died shortly afterward, before Robert’s Senate confirmation hearings had begun. Bush then withdrew Roberts’ nomination and instead nominated him to become Chief Justice, choosing Samuel Alito to replace O’Connor.