How can I get my name off the mortgage after divorce?

How can I get my name off the mortgage after divorce?

There is only one way to have your spouse’s name removed from the mortgage: You will have to apply for a loan to refinance the mortgage, in your name only. After all, the original mortgage was approved in both of your names, giving the lender two sources of repayment.

What happens with mortgage when you divorce?

Ideally, spouses either agree to sell their home or refinance their mortgage so that only one person’s name is on it. That former spouse is then responsible for making the mortgage payments each month. Your divorce decree will in no way resolve you of responsibility for a jointly acquired mortgage loan.”

Should your spouse be your first priority?

If you put your spouse first, your marriage will last your lifetime. If you want your marriage to last your lifetime, give it the attention and effort it deserves. When your kids leave, your spouse is the one who’s left. If you’ve made them your last priority (and think it’s funny) they’d be dumb to stay with you.

What does the Bible say about putting your marriage first?

If a person is married, their spouse comes next in the order of life’s priorities. According to Paul a married man is to love his wife as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:22-25). Beyond His desire to obey and glorify His father, Jesus’ first priority was the church.

Is it OK to love your child more than your spouse?

As it turns out, it is possible to love your kid a little too much — particularly if you love them more than your spouse. “Research strongly suggests that children whose parents love each other are much happier and more secure than those raised in a loveless environment,” she argues.

Should you put your wife before your family?

1. It shows honor and respect for your spouse. When your husband or wife knows he or she comes before your parents, it creates a deeper marital bond. Parents can be consulted, but it’s best done with both of you present, not going behind each other’s back.