How do I file a guardianship petition in Indiana?

How do I file a guardianship petition in Indiana?

Any action to establish a guardianship must be filed in the Probate Court of the county where the protected person lives. First, a Petition to Appoint a Guardian must be filed with the Court. This petition begins the guardianship process, along with the payment of Court costs to open the guardianship.

Why would a child be made a ward of court?

to prevent an undesirable association; for emergency medical treatment; to protect a child from forced marriage; to protect abducted children, or children where the case has another substantial foreign element.

Who is the legal guardian of a child after divorce?

The court is parens patriae or the ultimate guardian of the child. So the child’s property is protected by law, and terms of custody, visitation and child support can be altered in changed circumstances in the interest of the child.

Can you change your child’s name without father’s consent?

A mother, or father, cannot change a child’s surname by herself or himself unless she or he is the only person with parental responsibility. Any child who has sufficient legal understanding may apply in their own right for the Court’s permission to change their name.

Can you change a childs surname?

A child’s legal name can only be changed via deed poll or through a change of the child’s birth certificate in certain circumstances (see ‘Changing a child’s name via the birth certificate’ below). Schools and GP’s often provide the option to register a ”known as” name in addition to registering the child’s legal name.

Can a baby have dads last name if not married?

With a few exceptions, most states allow parents to choose their child’s name, without restriction. Unmarried partners can decide to choose one parent’s last name, hyphenate both last names, or create a new last name that combines both parents’ names.

What last name does the baby get if the parents aren’t married?

In cases where the child is born out of wedlock, the child often gets the mother’s last name. But if paternity is established, both parents have the right to petition the court to change the child’s last name. After the name change, the court will issue a new birth certificate with the changed name.