How do I file a motion for child custody in Florida?

How do I file a motion for child custody in Florida?

How to File for Child Custody in Florida

  1. Determine venue. Venue refers to the jurisdiction where the case should be filed.
  2. Fill out the petition. If you are divorcing, you will fill out the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage with Dependent or Minor Children (Form 12.901(b)(1)).
  3. File the petition.
  4. Serve the petition.
  5. Await a response.
  6. Respond accordingly.

What is a respondent in a child custody case?

A child custody case is usually initiated by filing a petition with the court, which can be called different things depending on the state. After filing the appropriate paperwork, the petitioner must arrange for the Respondent, the opposing party in the case, to be served with the papers.

How much is a divorce in Broward County?

The Broward County Courthouse requires a filing fee of $409 in the form of a “money order”, payable to the Clerk of Court. Personal checks are not acceptable.

How do I file for child support in Broward County?

You may apply to open a case for child support services if you are the parent or caregiver of a child who needs support. You can apply online, visit your local child support office or call the Child Support Program and ask us to mail you an application.

What happens if you don’t pay child support in FL?

If a parent is able to pay child support and is simply purposely not paying it, they can be found to be in contempt of court. This is a serious offense and may involve jail time. Failure to pay child support can also negatively affect an individual’s credit score and can cause liens to be placed on their property.

Is there a statute of limitations on child support in Florida?

There are no statutes of limitations regarding child support payments, which allows the receiving parent, in some situations, to collect unpaid child support long after the children are grown and gone.