How do I file a no-fault divorce in Louisiana?

How do I file a no-fault divorce in Louisiana?

To use the first no-fault ground, you (the Plaintiff) need to state in the Petition for Divorce that “the Plaintiff desires to be divorced from the Defendant.” To use this ground, you and your spouse must live “separate and apart” continuously from the date the Petition is filed until 180 days after your spouse (the …

What happens if you hire two privates?

They would then likely arrange a meeting with you where the other one “accidentally” showed up and then they would both confront you as to why you hired them to tail one another and they may share a portion of what they found out about you in the process.

Should I hire a private investigator to see if my husband is cheating?

Most experts agree that if your spouse cheats on you, the best way to confirm it is to hire a private investigator. Not only does this ensure that you do need an investigator, it can also help cut down on the man hours (and the cost) if you do since you can give the PI more information to work with.

Who hires a private investigator?

Surveillance Investigators are typically hired by: Individuals who need help with harassment, infidelity issues, child support matters or issues related to drug, alcohol or gambling addictions. Solicitors, lawyers, financiers and insurers to help them gather information in regards to a civil case.

What can a PI legally do?

Private investigators can conduct stakeouts and follow individuals to learn more about their movements and what they might be doing. They can search through various databases online to get information on criminal records, marriages and divorces, mortgage records, and voter’s registrations.

Can a private investigator access my Facebook?

You might require a social media investigation for a court case, custody battle, or as part of a background investigation. A private investigator can pull data from social media sites like: Facebook.

What skills does a private investigator need?

The Skills of a Good Private Investigator

  • Surveillance skills. We like to think of surveillance as a guy in a car with a thermos and a camera.
  • Research skills. A really important aspect of the job is the ability to get information from all kinds of sources.
  • Interviewing skills.
  • Critical thinking skills.
  • Communication skills.