How do I file for child support in NH?

How do I file for child support in NH?

How do I get an application for child support services? ; request an application by email at (please indicate “Application Request” in the subject line and include your full name and mailing address in body of email); or contact your local DHHS District Office.

Are all rights transmissible?

Subject to such laws, all rights acquired by virtue of an obligation are transmissible.

Is obligation a demandable right?

Every obligation whose performance does not depend upon a future or uncertain event, or upon a past event unknown to the parties, is demandable at once.

What is Solutio Indebiti and example?

Solutio Indebiti (Payment by mistake) It is the juridical relation which arises when a person is obliged to return something received by him through error or mistake. Example- Arvin owed Ian the sum of P1, 000.00. By mistake, Arvin paid P2, 000.00.

What is Solutio Indebiti?

Solutio indebiti. If something is received when there is no right to demand it, and it was unduly delivered through mistake, the obligation to return it arises. ( 1895)10. Solutio indebiti refers to payment by mistake. It is receiving payment by mistake that is not due or does not have such right to demand such payment …

What is generic thing?

In contrast, indeterminate or generic thing is the opposite of determinate or specific thing; that is, generic or indeterminate thing is not particularly designated or physically segregated from all others of the same class. It means that a thing cannot be specifically determined from things of the same class.

What is a personal right in law?

Personal Rights: A personal right can also be referred to as a right of performance or a legal claim. Personal rights are thus rights with respect to performances by third parties.

What is a real obligation?

Real obligation means legal obligation that is connected with real property. t is a duty that corresponds to real right. In other words, real obligation of a person refers to those duties that a person must perform in return for the right that s/he exercises. An example of real obligation is mortgage.

What is the difference between a real right and a personal right?

One way of differentiating between real rights and personal rights is to say that, while a real right is a right to use or prevent others from using, a personal right is a right to make someone perform some act, or prevent someone from performing it.

What is positive real obligation?

In summary, positive obligations are, broadly speaking, obligations “to do something” to ensure respect and protection of human rights. Negative obligations refers to a duty not to act; that is, to refrain from action that would hinder human rights.

What are the kinds of obligation?

Different Kinds of Obligation (Primary) (Section 1: Pure and Conditional…

  • Section 1: Pure and Conditional Obligation.
  • Section 6: Obligation with a Penal Clause.
  • Section 2: Obligations with a Period.
  • Section 3: Alternative Obligation.
  • Section 4: Joint and Solidary Obligations.
  • Section 5: Divisible and Indivisible Obligation.

What is Resolutory period?

Resolutory period (in diem) – wherein the obligation is performed only up to a day certain and terminated upon the arrival of the period; as in: D will pay C every week until the end of the month.

What an obligation is demandable at once?

An obligation is demandable at once if it is pure obligation which one is not suspended by any condition, whether it has been contracted without any condition, or when thus contracted, the condition has been performed. It is immediately demandable.

What is an alternative obligation?

An obligation is alternative when two things are equally due, under an alternative. Usually, when an obligation is alternative, the choice of the item of performance belongs to the obligor unless it has been expressly or impliedly granted to the oblige. …

What makes an obligation valid?

The obligation is valid. When the creditor knows that the debtor already has the means to pay, he must file an action in court to fix the period, and when the definite period as set by the court arrives, the obligation to pay becomes demandable (CIVIL CODE, art. 1197). 2.

Who has the right of choice in an alternative obligation?

The right of choice belongs to the debtor, unless it has been expressly granted to the creditor. The debtor shall have no right to choose those prestations which are impossible, unlawful or which could not have been the object of obligation.

What is the effect of the condition not to do an impossible thing?

Since the obligor knows the condition cannot be fulfilled, the obligation will not be complied with2)Conditional obligation valid– if condition is negative, that is, not to do an impossible thing, it is disregarded and the obligation is rendered pure and valid.