How do I find lawsuits against a company?

How do I find lawsuits against a company?

Information may be found by searching Company Legal News, BBLS Legal Documents Search; Litigation and Dockets. Justia federal court filings; Stanford Class Action Reporter; State court websites; Pacer dockets (not available at Newman Library). On Bloomberg, Search Litigation and Dockets for a specific company.

How do I sue a company for bad service?

File a complaint with your local consumer protection office or the state agency that regulates the company. Notify the Better Business Bureau (BBB) in your area about your problem. The BBB tries to resolve your complaints against companies.

What is the biggest lawsuit ever won?

A List of The Biggest class action settlements

  • Tobacco settlements for $206 billion.
  • BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill $20 billion.
  • Volkswagen emissions scandal $14.7 billion.
  • Enron securities fraud $7.2 billion.
  • WorldCom accounting scandal $6.1 billion.
  • Fen-Phen diet drugs $3.8 billion.
  • American Indian Trust $3.4 billion.

How is money divided in a class action lawsuit?

Pro rata settlements divide money in a class action lawsuit by splitting the amount equally among the Class Members. The share each Class Member will receive can depend on either the total number of individuals in the Class or by the number of valid claims filed, depending on how the agreement is drafted.

Can I cash my stimulus check without ID?

It’s possible to cash a check without a bank account by cashing it at the issuing bank or a check cashing store. It’s also possible to cash a check if you’ve lost your ID by using an ATM or signing it over to someone else.

Can someone else cash my stimulus check?

Unfortunately, it is possible for someone else to cash your refund check without your knowledge or permission. This can happen if the check ends up at the wrong address or if it’s intercepted en route to you. Find out when to expect your check with the IRS’ refund status system.

Where can I cash my stimulus check without bank account?

You have several local options to cash your stimulus check without opening a bank account or prepaid debit card….Supermarkets

  • Kroger.
  • Fry’s.
  • King Sooper’s.
  • Smith’s.
  • City Market.
  • QFC.
  • Ralph’s.
  • Gerbes.

How do you cash a stimulus check in jail?

People in prison who did not receive the stimulus payment (first or second) may be able to claim the payments by filling out a 1040 tax form and mailing it to the IRS. Some prisons are making the form available upon request.

How long will it take for the stimulus check to be mailed?

three to four weeks