How do I find marriage records in Indiana?

How do I find marriage records in Indiana?

To obtain a certified copy of a marriage license or divorce decree, please contact the Clerk of Court in the county where the marriage or divorce was issued. If the county in which the marriage license was issued is unknown, a search may be conducted using: Indiana Courts’ Marriage License Public Lookup.

How do I file an eviction in Hamilton County Ohio?

How do I file an eviction? Come to the clerk’s office and fill out an eviction complaint form. Make sure you bring your copy of the eviction notice you gave to the tenant. You will be given a court date approximately 18-21 days away.

How do I file an escrow in Ohio?

File with Clerk of Courts Before your rent is due, go to the Municipal Court and ask for the Clerk of Courts. Tell the clerk you want to escrow your rent. Fill out the court’s escrow notice form. Attach a copy of your letter to the landlord.

Can a landlord evict you for suing them?

Legally: no. In the real world, the owner can sure start trying. If so look for a tenant’s rights lawyer immediately if not sooner.

How long do evictions stay on your record in Ohio?

seven years

How can I see my rental history for free?

First, log in to your free account, or create a new account using Credit Karma. Go to Credit Karma! Next, go to your TransUnion credit report by clicking on “view score details” on the TransUnion score. It looks like a speedometer!

How can I hide my bad rental history?

Include a cover letter with your application. If you have a bad credit or rental history, you can take responsibility for any blemishes on your records, explain the surrounding circumstances, and assure the landlord that you’ll always pay rent on time for the duration of your lease by including a cover letter.

How do I pass a rental credit check?

4 Steps to Renting with Bad Credit

  1. Find a Cosigner: The surest step you can take to getting approved is to have a cosigner or guarantor sign the lease with you.
  2. Offer Advanced Payments: In order to show that you are serious about renting the apartment, you can offer to pay the first month’s rent early.

Do landlords really call previous landlords?

Calling your rental applicant’s previous landlords for a reference is standard practice in tenant screening. But if your applicant has a poor relationship with the landlord references, you might find a fake reference on the rental application.

How do I clean my rental history?

Follow these tips to repair your rental history report and move on to the residence of dreams.

  1. See what’s out there. Before you can repair any blemishes, you first need to know what the report says about you.
  2. Verify the information.
  3. Close the gaps.
  4. Put your best foot forward.

Will I pass a tenant credit check?

Your letting agent and some landlords will do a credit check to see if you’ve had problems paying bills in the past. They must get your permission first. It’s less common for private landlords to do credit checks because they can make it take longer to rent out a property.

Do mortgage lenders look at rental history?

It is common practice for mortgage lenders to check out your references. Although they may not see any notations from your previous landlords on your credit report, they will certainly call on them to determine your credibility.

Is it illegal to lie on a rental application?

It is not illegal to lie on a rental application unless your signatures under penalty of perjury. It may, however, serve as the basis for an eviction.

Can a landlord see how much money is in your bank account?

Even if your landlord gets hold of your bank account number, he really can’t do much with it without your consent. In most cases, a bank can’t disclose to a third party, any non-public information such as your bank balance unless a court orders it to do so.