How do I find out how much I owe in child support in Indiana?

How do I find out how much I owe in child support in Indiana?

If the case is a IV-D case (if filed through the prosecutor’s office), you can find out how much child support you owe by calling the Kidsline at (800) 840-8757 or (317) 233-5437. Customer Service representatives are available Monday through Friday from 7:00am to 5:00pm.

Can retirement be garnished for child support?

The court may not allow you to reduce your child support payments if it finds that the decision to retire was unreasonable in your circumstances. If the court decides your retirement was unreasonable, it will impute a higher income to you despite your retirement.

Does 401k reduce child support?

Pre-tax deductions, such as 401(k) plan contributions, reduce taxable earnings for tax purposes, but they do not reduce disposable income for child support. Although the employee voluntarily elects to trade current disposable income for a future benefit, this income is still available for child support.

Can child support take my IRA?

If you are court-ordered to fulfill a debt, including the payment of overdue child support, your IRA counts as an asset that may be used to satisfy that debt. Though there are some situations in which your IRA may be exempt from garnishment, failure to pay child support is generally not among them.

Will the government take my 401k?

Lets get one thing out of the way first: unless you have an IRS levy or other legal judgment against you, the US Government has no legal standing to seize the contents of your private retirement account, such as your 401k, IRA, Thrift Savings Plan, your self-employed retirement plan, or any other retirement plan.

Can my 401k disappear?

Most 401(k) plans are terminated when companies go out of business. While the company cannot keep your money, you lose unvested contributions and matching contributions are worth nothing if paid in the stock of a failed company.

Do you pay child support on a pension?

Generally, yes. Centrelink family assistance and child support payments are closely linked. You must apply for child support from the other parent by contacting Child Support to be eligible to receive more than the base rate of Family Tax Benefit Part A.