How do I find out who owns a property in BC?

How do I find out who owns a property in BC?

BC OnLine customers can search the BC Assessment database to:

  1. access a Property Identification (PID) number to search the Land Title and Survey Authority (LTSA) System;
  2. search for property ownership or location information;
  3. obtain detailed property assessment roll information including recent sales; and.

How do I find out which fence is mine UK?

There is no general rule about whether you are responsible for the boundary fence on the left or right or rear of the property. If your property is registered at the Land Registry you can obtain what is called an ‘office copy’ comprising a title plan and register details.

Can my Neighbour attach things to my fence?

Can my neighbour attach or nail things to my fence? The short answer to this question is, of course, “no”. If you own the fence and you have not granted your neighbour permission to do so, they are not allowed to attach or nail things to your fence.

Whose fence is it at the bottom of the garden?

The transfer or conveyance deed might state who owns it, but if it’s not in writing, then look out for any T-mark to the boundaries. The stalk of the ‘T’ will sit on the boundary and come out into your garden or property, which means that fence is your responsibility.

Can my Neighbour cut my tree without asking?

In law you are entitled to cut off any branches overhanging your property provided you return them to the owners. Entering someone’s property, without permission, to cut a tree would undoubtedly be illegal. You may need to take matters to court.

Can I hang baskets on my Neighbours fence?

In law, an owner of land owns the air above their property. Here, once the fence is built on the boundary, the other owner is free to do what they like with their property, irrespective of your wishes. This includes putting hanging baskets on her side of the fence.

Can I ask my Neighbour to remove their washing line from my fence post?

If it’s your fence then they are not allowed to fix anything to it, lean anything on it or even paint it without your permission. If your determined to have it removed and they do not, lean over the panel (on some steps) and remove it, then give it back to them.

Can you play loud music in the daytime?

There is no set level at which daytime noise becomes a statutory nuisance but it must be prejudicial to health or cause a substantial interference with the quiet enjoyment of your home. They will usually visit your home and hear the noise for themselves.

Can I use my Neighbours party wall?

If you plan to carry out works to an existing party wall or party fence wall, you must give the adjoining owner two months’ notice before the works commence. Alternatively, you may obtain the adjoining owner’s prior written consent to the works. In response the adjoining owner may: Refuse to consent in writing.

Can my Neighbour build right to my boundary?

The short answer is “yes, subject to serving a valid notice and following the processes set out in The Party Wall Act. The party wall act only applies to “structures” (ie: a wall with a foundation), it does not apply to timber fences or other screens.