How do I get a warranty deed in Georgia?

How do I get a warranty deed in Georgia?

Georgia General Warranty Deed Form

  1. Laws – § 44-5-62.
  2. Recording – Must be filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court along with the required filing fee.
  3. Signing (§ 44-2-14 & § 44-2-21) – Must be signed in the presence of two (2) Witnesses and a Notary Public.

What is a warranty deed on a property?

A warranty deed, also known as a general warranty deed, is a legal real estate document between the seller (grantor) and the buyer (grantee). The deed protects the buyer by pledging that the seller holds clear title to the property and there are no encumbrances, outstanding liens, or mortgages against it.

What is a survivorship deed in GA?

If you own property jointly with someone else, and this ownership includes the “right of survivorship,” then the surviving owner automatically owns the property when the other owner dies. In Georgia, this form of joint ownership is available: Joint tenancy.

How long do you have to settle an estate in Georgia?

12 to 18 months

Who inherits when there is no will in Georgia?

Who Gets What in Georgia?

If you die with: here’s what happens:
spouse but no descendants spouse inherits everything
spouse and descendants spouse and descendants equally share the intestate property, but the spouse’s share may not be less than 1/3
parents but no spouse or descendants parents inherit everything

What happens if someone dies without a will in Georgia?

In Georgia, if you die without a will, any assets leftover after your debts are paid off will go to your living relatives. If you have no living relatives, then any assets will go to the state. The law sets out which relatives will inherit your estate. Both a spouse and one child, they will divide the estate equally.