How do I list my extracurricular activities?

How do I list my extracurricular activities?

How To: Extracurricular Activity List

  1. List your activities in order of importance. This small but crucial directive is often overlooked by students when filling out the Common App resume.
  2. Highlight leadership, commitment, and impact.
  3. Depth over breadth.
  4. Don’t leave anything out.
  5. Give us as much context as possible.
  6. Don’t try to guess what we want to see.

What are examples of classroom activities?

Interactive Classroom Activities

  • Entry/Exit Tickets. Entry & Exit tickets are short prompts that provide instructors with a quick student diagnostic.
  • Free Writing/Minute Paper/Question of the Day Exercise.
  • Ice Breakers.
  • Think–Pair–Share.
  • Case Studies and Problem-Based Learning.
  • Debate.
  • Interview or Role Play.
  • Interactive Demonstrations.

What activities do you perform outside the classroom?

cultural performances – symphony, ballet, opera, musical theater, plays, etc. sporting events – major league baseball, football, hockey, and basketball; minor league soccer; University sporting events. outdoor activities – picnics, skiing, skating, kayaking, hiking, nature walks, camping, amusement parks, zoo, etc.

How do you conduct activity in the classroom?

The following interactive student activities are three of the most effective ways to encourage more speech in your classroom.

  1. Think, pair and share. Set a problem or a question around a certain topic, and pair up your students.
  2. Brainstorming. Interactive brainstorming is mostly performed in group sessions.
  3. Buzz session.

What is classroom activity?

Classroom activities are activities done by student inside the class as part of applying or doing the practical part of the lesson after listening to the theoretical part which is presented by the teacher. It’s helpful to both the students and the teachers to make satisfying achievements for the teaching task.

How do you conduct activities online?

How to Create Effective Activities for Online Teaching

  1. The best activities are “reality-based” activities.
  2. Be certain the activities are up to date.
  3. Be on the lookout for existing or potential activities that can be morphed to fit your class.
  4. Develop any new activities with students in mind, never you.
  5. Keep all activities short and easy to understand.

What are some online activities?

Today, we are listing 8 best online activities which you can try anytime when you are bored.

  1. Don’t stop the music. There is always some kind of music that everyone likes, no matter where you’re from.
  2. Try online videos.
  3. Window shopping online.
  4. Socialize!
  5. Learn a language.
  6. Take up a course.
  7. Read comics.
  8. Play Flash games.

How do you engage students in a virtual classroom?

10 ways to improve student engagement in virtual classrooms

  1. Break the ice.
  2. Foster a community.
  3. Create individual learning plans.
  4. Develop curriculum around shorter content.
  5. Integrate face-to-face virtual interactions.
  6. Learn by doing.
  7. Add flexibility into the curriculum.
  8. Provide opportunities to collaborate.

What do online school do when bored?

Posted by Basia Padlo

  • Pull your hair or pinch yourself.
  • Wear as few items of clothing as possible.
  • Hide more interesting reading material.
  • Suggest holding class outside.
  • Send text messages on your cell phone.
  • Make paper airplanes.
  • Keep a list of words with dirty meanings.
  • Take notes with your nondominant hand.

Why do I get so bored in school?

Under-motivated students complain of boredom in class4 because they feel they already know what’s being taught, so the incentive of doing the work to learn something new is non-existent to them. In some situations, a lack of motivation can be the sign of an underlying issue, such as childhood depression or ADHD.

How can I make my online class interesting?

Follow up on what you did in previous lessons so your students know that you’re on top of what they’re learning (and they should be too) Find out about your student’s interests and incorporate them into the lesson where possible. Give regular feedback on your students’ work. Aim to be a positive, encouraging and …

How can I teach online effectively?

9 strategies for effective online teaching

  1. Know the technology.
  2. Expect the unexpected and remain flexible.
  3. Create and maintain a strong presence.
  4. Set clear expectations for the course.
  5. Establish a sense of comfort and develop a community of learners.
  6. Promote reflection and communication through quality asynchronous discussion.

How do I start an online school class?

Create Course Content That Works

  1. Step 1: To start online classes define your training goals. The purpose of launching your online classes should be clear.
  2. Step 2: Outline your online classes.
  3. Step 3: Build your online course content.
  4. Step 4: Engage your target learners.
  5. Step 5: Measure the engagement metrics.

How do you hold an online class?

Moving Your Classes Online? Here’s How to Make It Work

  1. Just give a reading assignment.
  2. Put your PowerPoint slides online.
  3. Share some YouTube videos related to the topic.
  4. Make your own videos and post them online.
  5. Use an online meeting platform.
  6. Assign an out-of-class project.
  7. Have some fun physics homework.

How do online classes work in Google Classroom?

One can simply go to and create your classroom. A person can add various classes and sections as per the need. After the class is set up, add students in the class by using class code and invite links. They will need to sign in with the class code, which Google will generate.

How do I conduct an online class on Google meet?

Here’s how to start a live video call with Google Meet:

  1. Go to Click “Join or start a meeting.” Click “continue” to start a new meeting.
  2. Start your meeting.
  3. Engage in your meeting.
  4. Take action on other participants.

How do I join an online class on Google classroom?

Join with a class code

  1. Go to and click Sign In. Sign in with your Google Account.
  2. Make sure to sign in with the correct account.
  3. At the top, click Join class .
  4. Enter the class code from your teacher and click Join.

What are the assessment strategies for online teaching learning?

Useful online assessment strategies

  • Assessing with blogs.
  • Assessing with discussion forums.
  • Assessing with ePortfolios.
  • Assessing with Wikis.
  • Group tasks.
  • Peer assessment.

How can I assess students online?

Quizzes, matching exercises, self-assessments, case studies and problem-solving questions, scenario-based questions, and games are some of the best instructional tools you can use when it comes to assessing students throughout an eLearning course.

How do you assess students remotely?

Strategies for Assessing Students Remotely

  1. Defining terms.
  2. What is the purpose of the assessment?
  3. Focus on feedback.
  4. Polling for feedback.
  5. Synchronous formative assessment.
  6. Gamified assessment.
  7. Interactive presentations with embedded assessment.
  8. Asynchronous remote assessment.