How do I prepare for divorce mediation in Florida?

How do I prepare for divorce mediation in Florida?

Tips on How to Prepare for Your Divorce Mediation

  1. Assets and Possessions. Make a detailed list of all the assets and possessions that you and your spouse currently own.
  2. Sources of Income. List all sources of income that you and your spouse currently have.
  3. Recurring Expenses. Make a list of all recurring expenses that you and your spouse are currently paying.

Why does my case keep getting continued?

There are many reasons cases are continued. Mostly it is because one side or the other needs more time to prepare for trial. Additional time allows for negotiations, finding witnesses, and preparing exhibits.

How many continuances are allowed?

No set number of continuances are allowed in a court case. Whether continuances are granted and how many are granted rest entirely upon the discretion of the court.

How long can a court case be postponed?

two weeks

What to do before going to court?

9 Things to Know Before Going to Court

  1. Know Exactly Where You Are Going. Be sure you know where the courthouse is, where to park, and what courtroom you will be in.
  2. Dress Conservatively.
  3. Be On Time (or Early)
  4. Bring The Evidence You Were Assigned.
  5. Bring a Notebook to Take Notes.
  6. Turn Your Phone Off.
  7. Do Not Interact With Your Opponents.
  8. Stay Respectful.

How many times can a jury trial be postponed?

You may postpone your jury service two times within one year from your initial report date.

How do I not go to court?

4 Ways to Avoid Going to Court

  1. Follow through with what you said you would do. If you have agreed to a particular action, make sure that you keep your end of it.
  2. Count the cost. If you are looking to move forward with a lawsuit, make sure that you look at how much there is to be gained.
  3. Only get legal advice from a lawyer.