How do I separate from my husband without divorce?

How do I separate from my husband without divorce?

you can stay separately without divorce although your husband can file a case under section 9 of the hindu marriage act for restitution pf conjugal rights. Also in cases of less than one year of marriage for divorce due permissioneof the court is required.

What is a Bedswerver?

Bedswerver. Definition: “One that is false to the bed; one that ranges or swerves from one bed to another.” (

What do you call a cheater in a relationship?

Most commonly the betrayer is referred to as an adulterer, although cheater works as a more colloquial term.

What’s a fancy word for cheating?

SYNONYMS FOR cheat 1 mislead, dupe, delude; gull, con; hoax, fool. 8 swindler, trickster, sharper, dodger, charlatan, fraud, fake, phony, mountebank. 9 imposture, artifice, trick, hoax.

What is the word for cheating in marriage?

Infidelity (synonyms include cheating, straying, adultery [when married], being unfaithful, or having an affair) is a violation of a couple’s assumed or stated contract regarding emotional and/or sexual exclusivity.

What’s the opposite of a cheater?

What is the opposite of cheater?

honesty fairness
justice reality

How do you scold a cheater?

10 legal ways to punish a cheater

  1. Story Highlights.
  2. If your ex cheated on you, there are legal ways to get even.
  3. Do whatever it takes to look your best, post pix on Facebook with male friend.
  4. If his mom or sister ask about breakup, tell them he cheated on you.
  5. Ignore all social media contact from him. But post a song about his cheating ways.

How do I get back at my cheating boyfriend?

7 Ways To Get Oh-So-Sweet Revenge On Your Cheating Boyfriend

  1. Cut him off completely.
  2. Get your body rockin’.
  3. Become friends with the girl(s) he cheated with.
  4. Gain family support.
  5. Broadcast his infidelity everywhere.
  6. Date one of his friends.
  7. Give him the silent treatment.

How do you deal with being cheated on and lied to?

Take time to accept what he did and how you feel about it. You might to try different ways to get over someone who cheated and lied, such as journaling about your pain, talking to a counselor, reading books on healthy breakups, and changing how you see yourself.