How do I transfer my house from father to son?

How do I transfer my house from father to son?

Your father can transfer the property either by making a registered family arrangement to both of you as per desire. By this she cannot raise any dispute at any stage. Alternately he can transfer the property by executing a registered gift deed to both of you again as per his desire.

Can father sell his property without consent of Son?

No, ancestral property be cannot be sold without consent of successors in case of major and in in case of minority you might have to take permission from the court. And if property disposed without consent can be reclaimed.

Can a father gives all his property to one child in Pakistan?

GIFT OR HIBA IN ISLAM AND PAKISTAN There is no concept of will, one cannot transfer or bequeath whole of property to any one legal heir through Will but consent of the other legal heirs are required.

Who is legal heir for father’s property?

A daughter has equal share of right in the ancestral property. Besides this, in a situation where the father has a self- acquired property or a separate property and he dies intestate, then the daughter who is a Class I heir will have succession rights equal to her living mother, sister, grandmother and brother.

Are siblings legal heirs?

The legal heir in the following case are, Father and mother. Brothers and sisters (other than half brothers and sisters) lineal descendants of such of them as shall have predeceased the intestate. Widows or widowers of deceased lineal descendants of the intestate who have not married again before death of the intestate.

What is the difference between legal heirs and legal representatives?

2010 Legal representative is a personal representative with legal standing (as by power of attorney or the executor of a will). Legal heir is the individual appointed by law to succeed to the estate of an ancestor who died without a will.

Who comes under legal heirs?

The following persons are considered legal heirs and can claim a legal heir certificate under Indian Law: Spouse of the deceased. Children of the deceased (Son/ Daughter) Parents of the deceased.