How do you file a divorce in Georgia own your own?

How do you file a divorce in Georgia own your own?

You generally file the Complaint for Divorce in the Superior Court of the county where your spouse lives. You may file in the county where you both lived if your spouse moved to another county within six months of the date you are filing. If your spouse has moved out of state, you can file in your county.

Can I divorce my husband if I don’t know where he is?

Getting a divorce where the spouse is missing, requires you to show that you have attempted to get the divorce petition served. This means you have asked relatives or friends for an address, or that they will pass the papers to them if they were served there.

How can you divorce someone you can’t find?

  1. If you cannot find your spouse, you can request permission from the court to publish a notice of the divorce in the newspaper or post a notice in the courthouse.
  2. This is called a Motion to Serve by Publication or Posting.

Can I divorce someone without their consent?

You Do Not Need Your Spouse’s Consent to Obtain a Divorce You have the right to file for divorce in a court that has jurisdiction over your marriage, serve your spouse with the divorce papers, and seek a divorce with or without their permission or participation.

Can a process server come to your job?

Process Servers Have Permission to Serve You at Work In short, yes, process servers legal can serve employees and employers at their place of work. They also don’t need to get permission to deliver that service. Most people find receiving service to be embarrassing due to it usually being about bad news.

Can I serve someone by mail?

In the majority of states, you can serve papers by sending them to the defendant via certified mail with a return receipt requested. In some states, service by certified (or registered) mail is one among several ways you may serve papers. Normally, the court clerk does the mailing for you and charges a small fee.

How do you serve someone who is avoiding service?

When someone is evading service, you have two options. The first option is to hire a private process server, who delivers Complaints to Defendants and performs document retrievals on a litigant’s behalf. Process servers also perform skip traces to track down Defendants by using technology and surveillance techniques.

What if you can’t find the person to serve?

if you absolutely cannot get the person served the regular way, you need to file a motion with the court to allow you to publish in the city or county of the last known residence of the person you are trying to serve. It will cost a little and you might need a lawyer to get you through this part.

How long does a plaintiff have to serve a defendant in Georgia?

When service is to be made within this state, the person making such service shall make the service within five (5) days from the time of receiving the summons and complaint; but failure to make service within the five-day period will not invalidate a later service.

How much does a process server cost in Georgia?


Zone Description Rate
A Inside 285 (Atlanta Perimeter) $60
B Up to 5 miles outside 285 $70
C 5-10 miles outside 285 $75
D 10-20 miles outside 285 $80

Who can serve papers in Georgia?

However, Georgia law does state that “Any citizen of the United States specially appointed by the court for that purpose;” and “A person who is not a party and is not younger than 18 years of age and has been appointed as a permanent process server by the court in which the action is brought” can serve process.