How do you find out which fence is yours?

How do you find out which fence is yours?

Title plans are one of the best ways to see which fence belongs to your property. Title plans may feature a ‘T’ mark showing many of your property’s boundaries, and who is responsible for maintaining them. A T mark on one side of the boundary indicates that the person on that side is responsible for the fence.

How can I tell if a fence is mine or my neighbors?

Determine ownership by occupancy if the fence lies between or directly on the property line. Whoever uses the land up to the fence is considered the owner. If you have grass and mow the area directly up against the fence but your neighbor allows the weeds to grow on his/her side, then you own the fence by occupancy.

Do I have to give my Neighbour the good side of the fence?

There is no law that you have to give your neighbors the better side and if they want a nicer fence they can put their own in their garden.

Can I sue my neighbor for encroachment?

A neighbor will not own the part of a structure that encroaches on their land. Instead, the encroachment will be viewed as an act of trespass. Also, although the neighbor will be able to sue that person for trespass, they will not automatically gain legal title to the portion of the building that is now on their land.

Can Neighbours claim your land?

Unregistered land If a neighbour trespasses on land for a period of 12 years of more prior to 13 October 2003, they can claim ownership of the land through adverse possession and apply to the Land Registry to register the land in their name.

How are property line disputes settled?

With a land survey, any property line dispute can be settled. Land surveyors act as legal arbiters, and a land survey will hold up as evidence in court. This clear map of property lines can eliminate awkward or heated discussions with your neighbor.

What are the 4 types of boundary disputes?

From disputes regarding the placement of fences and outbuildings to disputes regarding access rights, boundary disputes can take a variety of different forms….

  • Lot Line Disputes.
  • Fence, Landscaping, and Outbuilding Disputes.
  • Access Disputes.
  • Adverse Possession Claims.

What can you do if your neighbor encroaches on your property?

As a last resort, if you feel confident that your property is being encroached upon, you can file a claim in court and ask a judge to decide the boundaries—but the more you involve the legal system, the more cost you will incur.

Can you claim land if you maintain it?

Generally speaking, if you have been occupying lands that you do not own, rent or otherwise have permission to use in excess of 12 years (or in the case of Crown lands 30 years), without any objection from the registered owner, you can claim what is known as “adverse possession”.