How do you say something clearly?

How do you say something clearly?


  1. certainly.
  2. definitely.
  3. distinctly.
  4. obviously.
  5. openly.
  6. plainly.
  7. surely.
  8. undoubtedly.

What does scornful mean?

: full of scorn : contemptuous.

What is scornful abuse?

Scornful is a synonym for abusive in disdainful topic. In some cases you can use “Scornful” instead an adjective “Abusive”. Nearby Words: abuse, abused, abusing, abusively. Synonyms for Abusive.

What is a scornful woman?

used to refer to someone, usually a woman, who has reacted very angrily to something, especially the fact that her husband or lover has been unfaithful See scorn in the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.

What is a scornful smile?

a facial expression of contempt or scorn; the upper lip curls. a contemptuous or scornful remark.

What is a scornful attitude?

a. Contempt or disdain felt toward a person or object considered despicable or unworthy: viewed his rivals with scorn. b. The expression of such an attitude in behavior or speech; derision: heaped scorn upon his rivals.

What makes a woman scorned?

Basically, there are as many reasons a woman could have to feel scorn as there are women. The reason for a woman’s wrath and its extremity depend on age, relationship status, personality, interpersonal dynamics, family history, maturity, chemistry, moon cycles, self-awareness and self-work to name just a few.

What is a quarrelsome woman?

A quarrelsome wife devalues him as a man using words and body language. The very man who is designed to lead, protect and provide for her and her family. She’s always in his face about how he ought to do more, do better, be better, but then is never satisfied with his efforts. That’s a quarrelsome wife.

What is the slang term for a dangerous spurned woman?

‘Hell has no fury like a woman scorned’ conveys the idea that a scorned woman (that is, one who has been betrayed) is more furious than anything that hell can devise.

What has no fury like a woman scorned?

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned is a proverb adapted from lines in The Mourning Bride, a tragic play by English playwright William Congreve first performed in 1697. The expression is interpreted to mean that no one is as angry as a woman who has been romantically rejected or betrayed.

What do you call a dangerous woman?

Noun. Dangerously seductive woman. femme fatale. enchantress.

What’s another word for femme fatale?

In this page you can discover 13 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for femme fatale, like: temptress, coquette, courtesan, deadly lady, deadly woman, enchantress, flirt, seductress, siren, vamp and witch.

What is the male version of Femme Fatale?

homme fatale

What does femme fatale mean?

1 : a seductive woman who lures men into dangerous or compromising situations. 2 : a woman who attracts men by an aura of charm and mystery.

What’s the opposite of femme fatale?

What is the opposite of femme fatale?

ingenue prude
stooge sucker
babe trusting soul
babe in the woods simple soul
greenhorn victim

What is the opposite of femme?

What is the opposite of femme?

husband spinster
bachelor girl lone woman
single woman unmarried woman

What are the characteristics of a femme fatale?

They are defined as women of great seductive charm, mysterious, duplicitous, subversive, double-crossing, gorgeous, energized, intelligent, powerful, predatory, tough-sweet, unreliable, irresponsible, manipulative and desperate.

Is femme fatale a compliment?

The phrase is French for “fatal woman”. It means a beautiful seductive woman who uses her power over men to get her own way, so it is not really a nice thing to call you unless it meant as a joke.

What is a modern femme fatale?

Artwork by Sophie Squire. A femme fatale is defined as an attractive and seductive woman who will ultimately bring disaster to a man who becomes involved with her. They are cunning and manipulative, wielding their feminine wiles in order to get what they want.

Is Lady Macbeth a femme fatale?

However, Lady Macbeth, one of William Shakespeare’s dramatic characters, represents an image of the powerful woman. Because she enabled her husband Macbeth to ascend the throne of Scotland. This is when she urges him to commit a crime. Accordingly, Lady Macbeth was labeled as a femme fatale and a disastrous woman.

How does Lady Macbeth look like the innocent flower?

She encourages him to “Look like th’ innocent flower, But be the serpent under ‘t” (Shakespeare, 1.5. 56-58). Lady Macbeth is essentially telling her husband that he should appear harmless and innocent but be prepared to strike like a deadly snake hiding behind a flower.

Does the femme fatale always die?

Although the definition of the femme fatale as a trope within the film noir tradition is rather specific – for instance she was white, middle class and almost always died at the end of the film in order to restore balance to the film’s story line – I argue that the femme fatale is ultimately and essentially a woman who …

Is Black Widow a femme fatale?

There’s this little catch though. And it’s with the portrayal of Black Widow – which is either as this insanely hot, clad in leather, martial arts-trained agent or as a femme fatale who calls shots, resolves differences, and packs a punch despite lacking real superhero powers in an otherwise hero-abundant universe.

Who was the most famous femme fatale in history?

Femme Fatales: Scandalous women of history who changed society around them

  • #1 Bettie Page.
  • #2 Joanna Hiffernan.
  • #3 Wallis Simpson.
  • #4 Marchesa Luisa Casati.
  • #5 Cleopatra VII Philopator.
  • #6 Isadora Duncan.
  • #7 Mary I, Queen of England.
  • #8 Mae West.

Is Kitty March a femme fatale?

Kitty March (Joan Bennett), “Scarlet Street” Kitty March is a femme fatale extrême. She’s loud, manipulative, and unlike her fellow leading ladies, she doesn’t try to hide it. Director Fritz Lang films Kitty out of the shadows, showing her as she plans, flirts, and as she controls.