How do you take the high road in an argument?

How do you take the high road in an argument?

Rising Above an Argument The phrase “taking the high road” is often mentioned when two people have an argument and one is saying negative things or being emotionally hurtful. The other friend takes the high road by refusing to say hurtful things back or going for the jugular in order to win an argument.

Is it better to take the high road?

In most situations, taking the high road is commendable and will actually make things turn out better for you. It’s a classy way to handle a situation, and it’s often the best choice in a professional setting (like with Thomas Dewey).

Why do you think it’s referred to as the high road?

The terms “high road” and “low road” refer to the two pathways proposed by LeDoux to support conscious and unconscious fear processing. The “high road” is a longer pathway from the thalamus to the cortex and then on to the amgydala.

What does you take the high road and I’ll take the low road mean?

The song is from the point of view of the soldier who will be executed: When he sings, “ye’ll tak’ the high road and I’ll tak’ the low road” in effect he is saying that you will return alive, and I will return in spirit.

What is the high road and low road?

Studies have shown that there are two pathways through which the amygdala’s fear responses can be triggered: a fast “low road” from the thalamus to the amygdala, and a slower “high road” that passes from the thalamus to the neocortex and only then to the amygdala, said LeDoux.

What is the high road of emotion?

The High Road involves and indirect pathway to the amygdala. In this case thalamic info is transmitted to the sensory cortex where it is further processed and evaluated for level of threat prior to being sent to the amygdala.

Where does take the high road come from?

The phrase became popular in the presidential campaign of 1948, when Republican Thomas E. Dewey selected ‘the high road’ and let voters draw their own conclusions as to what road President Harry Truman was trudging. Derivation: a ‘high road’ or ‘high way’ is the easy way in English usage.

Which came first Red is the Rose of Loch Lomond?

Things to Know About the Song This classic Irish song is not originally Irish. It comes from a well-known Scottish song called The Bonnie Banks o’ Loch Lomond, which dates back to at least the 19th century. Red is the Rose lyrics express the Irish variation, and are sung to the same traditional melody.

What is Loch Lomond famous for?

Famous for its stunning scenery; the national park offers mountains, lochs, forests and glens across 1,865 square km. There’s so much to see and do in the area, it’s well worth making repeat visits. To make things easier here are the five reasons you need to visit Loch Lomond & The Trossachs.

What does Lomond mean?

(lō′mənd), Loch. A lake in south-central Scotland.

What is the story behind the bonnie banks of Loch Lomond?

About 1876, the Scottish poet and folklorist Andrew Lang wrote a poem based on the song titled “The Bonnie Banks o’ Loch Lomond”. The title sometimes has the date “1746” appended—the year of the defeat of Bonnie Prince Charlie’s rebellion and the hanging of some of his captured supporters.

What does Bonnie mean?

Bonnie is a Scottish given name for either girls or boys, and is sometimes used as a descriptive reference. It comes from the Scots language word “bonnie” (pretty, attractive), or the French bonne (good). That is in turn derived from the Latin word “bonus” (good).

What does Loch mean?

Loch (/lɒx/) is the Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Scots word for a lake or for a sea inlet. It is cognate with the Manx lough, Cornish logh, and one of the Welsh words for lake, llwch.

Where is Loch Lomond in Scotland?

Where is Loch Lomond? Loch Lomond is in southern Scotland, approximately 1 hour’s drive from Glasgow. With Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park being so vast, around 50% of Scotland’s total population lives within an hour’s drive of the National Park!

Is Loch Lomond dangerous?

“Loch Lomond is a beautiful place but it can be dangerous and there are many areas where the water depth changes suddenly and unexpectedly. Even in the hot weather like we have been having recently, the loch is still very cold and shock can set in quickly.

Is it safe to swim in a loch?

Apart from the small matter of Nessie lurking deep beneath the surface, the water is bitterly cold all year round – only around 5°C. In these low temperatures, you will quickly get hypothermia. So, in other words, wild swimming in Loch Ness is very dangerous!

Is Loch Lomond connected to the sea?

In the period following the Loch Lomond Readvance the sea level rose, and for several periods Loch Lomond was connected to the sea, with shorelines identified at 13, 12 and 9 metres above sea level (the current loch lies at 8 m above sea level).

How long does it take to walk around Loch Lomond?

three to four days

What depth is Loch Lomond?

190 m

What length is Loch Lomond?

39 km

Is Loch Lomond deeper than the North Sea?

That’s a lot of water! Loch Ness holds an estimated 263 billion cubic feet of water, which is more than all the water in all the lakes, rivers and reservoirs in the whole of England and Wales combined! Loch Ness’s deepest points are over 800ft deep which is twice the average depth of the North Sea.

Are there seals in Loch Lomond?

The loch is not only inhabited by seals but by many other sea faring animals and while you are out on the water you may also see the local porpoises playing in the water.

What animals live in Loch Lomond?


  • Badger.
  • Bat.
  • Beaver.
  • Deer.
  • Pine marten.
  • Red squirrel.
  • Seal.
  • Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises.

Are there dolphins in Loch Lomond?

Pilot whales, porpoises and dolphins are less common, but welcome visitors, and even a rare humpback whale has been known to put in an appearance. Flocks of smart black and white eider ducks are frequently seen in the loch, where they dive deep to collect mussels from the sea bed.

What fish is in Loch Lomond?


Where can I swim in Loch Lomond?

Milarrochy Bay on East Loch Lomond is a popular site. As you are low in the water, it can be difficult for other water users to spot you. So always wear a brightly coloured swim cap and, if possible, use a swim safety device – these are brightly coloured inflatable bags which you can tow behind you whilst swimming.