How do you use Nb in a sentence?

How do you use Nb in a sentence?

You write NB to draw someone’s attention to what you are about to say or write. NB The opinions stated in this essay do not necessarily represent those of the Church of God Missionary Society. Drag the correct answer into the box. She made a very amount of money.

What means Nota Bene?

used to call attention to something important

What does NB mean in text message?

Not Bad

What does NB mean in Snapchat?

What does NB stand for in medical terms?

NASH. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. NB. newborn (infant) note well (please pay attention) (from Latin nota bene)

What is NB in email?

NB, meaning Note Well. Abbreviation of Latin nota bene. Used before a piece of important information to make readers notice it. NMP, meaning Not My Problem. Used in a reply to indicate that the previous email has been ignored.

What is full form NB?

Nota Bene (N.B., N.b., n.b or NB, Nb, nb) is a Latin phrase, meaning “note well“ or “take notice” or “please note”. NB is used to emphasize or draw attention to something that should be observed carefully or take special notice. We have found 7 more results for NB.

What language is NB?


What does NB mean LGBT?

Not all gender-nonconforming people are transgender, and some transgender people express gender in conventionally masculine or feminine ways. NONBINARY A person who identifies as neither male nor female and sees themselves outside the gender binary. This is sometimes shortened to N.B. or enby.

What does N V D mean in medical terms?

N/V. – nausea/vomiting. N/V/D. – nausea/vomiting/diarrhea.

What does PRN mean in medical terms?

pro re nata

What does GSW mean in medical terms?

gunshot wound

What abbreviation means diagnosis?


What does GSW mean in police terms?

Gun Shot Wound

What does PBT stand for police?

The preliminary breath test (PBT) can help to corroborate all other evidence and to confirm your judgment as to whether the suspect is impaired. Usually PBT results cannot be introduced as evidence against the driver in court. However, state laws vary in this regard. The Arrest Decision.

What do police call their cars?

Area car and patrol car are terms for police cars. In some places, a police car may be informally known as a cop car, a black and white, cherry top, gumball machine, a jam sandwich or panda car.

What does me stand for?

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a long-term illness with a wide range of symptoms. The most common symptom is extreme tiredness. CFS is also known as ME, which stands for myalgic encephalomyelitis. Many people refer to the condition as CFS/ME.

What do the letters RAM stand for?

random access memory

What does me stand for in school?

M.E. – Master of Engineering. M.Ed. – Master of Education.

What does PG stand for after a name?

Post-nominal initials or titles or are letters placed after the name of a person to indicate that the individual holds a particular position, qualification, accreditation, office or honour.

What does PG stand for in school?

Learn about the Post-Graduate(PG) Year, and how it can benefit certain students. A post-graduate year is a year beyond high school graduation, spent at an independent school. Some students will consider doing an “extra” year of high school in order to better prepare themselves for college in a number of areas.

What does PNG stand for?

Portable Graphics Format