How do you write 5/8 as a fraction?

How do you write 5/8 as a fraction?

5/8 = 58 = 0.625.

What is a 3 out of 7?

Convert fraction (ratio) 3 / 7 Answer: 43%

What is 1/3 as a percentage?

Example Values

Percent Decimal Fraction
331/3% 0.333… 1/3
50% 0.5 1/2
75% 0.75 3/4
80% 0.8 4/5

What is 1/3 as a number?


What is 1/3 in a calculator?

1/3 = 13 ≅ 0.3333333.

How do you find 1/3 of a number?


  1. Let the number be x.
  2. To find one-third of a number, divide the number by 3 ,
  3. x÷3.

How do you find 1/3 of a fraction?

One third is equivalent to the fraction: 1/3. Therefore, it is a third of an amount. Thirds are calculated by dividing by 3.

What does 1/3 of an hour mean?

20 minutes

What is 3/4 an hour?

Three fourths of an hour is 45 minutes.

What is one fourth of an hour?

Each part is one-fourth. We can see that one-fourth of 60 minutes is 15 minutes. The word “quarter” means one-fourth. When we say, “A quarter past 6,” we mean one-fourth of an hour past 6 o’clock, or 15 minutes past 6.

What part of an hour is 20 minutes?

More Information

Minutes Fraction of an hour
19 0.317
20 0.333
21 0.350
22 0.367

How many quarters are in an hour?

4 quarters

How many quarters are in 4?

4 quater

How many minutes are in three quarters of an hour?

45 minutes

How many minutes are in 2/3 of an hour how many minutes are in 3/5 of that time?

In one hour there are 60 minutes. In 2.6 hours, there are =2.6×60=156 minutes. In 235 hours, you have 156 minutes.

What time is 3 ¾ hours after 10 37 pm?

45 minutes – 30 minutes is 15 minutes so let’s add another 15 minutes to 11:07pm. Now we have the 3 hours remaining so simply add those.

What is 7/8ths of an hour?

It would be 52.5 minutes.