How does adultery affect divorce in Arkansas?

How does adultery affect divorce in Arkansas?

In a fault-based divorce, a spouse claims that the other engaged in marital misconduct which caused the divorce. If your spouse has been unfaithful and you’re seeking a divorce in Arkansas, adultery is one of the grounds upon which you can base a request to legally end your marriage.

How long does Arkansas divorce take?

30 days

How much does divorce cost in Arkansas?

How Much Does it Cost to File for Divorce in Arkansas? You’ll need to pay a filing fee of approximately $165 when you file a petition for divorce in Arkansas, although fees may vary from county to county. You should check with your local court for the most up-to-date information.

Can you get a divorce in Arkansas without a lawyer?

Requirements for an Uncontested Divorce in Arkansas. To file for an uncontested divorce in Arkansas, at least one spouse must have lived in the state for at least 60 days. (Ark. § 9-12-307 (a)(1)(A)) The court also requires proof that the spouses have separated and don’t live together.

How long after a divorce can you remarry in Arkansas?

State waiting times for remarriage after divorce

To remarry after divorce To apply for a marriage license
Alabama 60 days No restrictions
Alaska No restrictions 3 business days
Arizona No restrictions No restrictions
Arkansas No restrictions No restrictions

What are grounds for divorce in Arkansas?

The fault-based grounds for divorce in Arkansas are: Impotence – Your spouse was impotent at the time of the marriage and continues to be impotent; Felony conviction – Your spouse is convicted of a felony or other “infamous crime;”

Can my wife divorced me without my consent?

If someone wishes to divorce their spouse on the grounds of desertion, then the spouse will not necessarily have to consent to the divorce. This is the only ‘fact’ for divorce that does not require the other person to complete and return the ‘acknowledgement of service’ from the Court.

What are indignities in a divorce?

To make out a charge of indignities, three elements must be proved: (1) a course of conduct that, although varying according to the circumstances of each case, must in every case; (2) be inconsistent with the marital relationship; and (3) so to render the condition of the innocent party intolerable and his or her life …

Is irreconcilable differences grounds for divorce in Arkansas?

In Arkansas, however, “irreconcilable differences” is not a recognized ground for divorce, so your choices are more limited. The Arkansas statute considers the following acceptable grounds for divorce: The husband or wife is impotent (cannot produce children). Either party has been convicted of a felony.

What are the divorce laws in Arkansas?

To file for a divorce in Arkansas you must have lived in Arkansas for 60 days before filing and have grounds for divorce. The the most commonly used grounds for divorce are “general indignities” and “separation for 18 months.” The grounds must have happened within the last five years.

What are indignities?

An indignity is conduct which renders the other spouse’s condition intolerable and life burdensome. According to one case, “Indignities may consist of: unmerited reproach. studied neglect. abusive language.

How do you prove General indignities in Arkansas?

General Indignities For a divorce to be granted on the ground of general indignities, you must be able to provide evidence that your spouse has consistently manifested such rudeness, hate, abuse, and neglect towards you as to render your life intolerable.

What part of speech is indignity?

noun inflections

How do you use indignity in a sentence?

Examples of indignity in a Sentence He remembers all the indignities he had to suffer in the early years of his career. We must endure the indignities of growing old. He suffered the indignity of being forced to leave the courtroom. The indignity of it all was too much to bear.

What does it mean when someone is beyond reproach?

Blameless, faultless, as in Jean’s conduct at school is beyond reproach. The phrase employs the verb to reproach in the sense of “censure or rebuke,” a usage dating from the early 1500s.

What word means to humiliate or shame?


What is beyond reproach mean?

formal. : not calling for any criticism His actions were above/beyond reproach.

What does it mean without reproach?

1 to impute blame to (a person) for an action or fault; rebuke.

What does beyond repute mean?

Blameless, faultless, as in Jean’s conduct at school is beyond reproach. The phrase employs the verb to reproach in the sense of “censure or rebuke,” a usage dating from the early 1500s.

What does reproach mean?

1 : an expression of rebuke or disapproval. 2 : the act or action of reproaching or disapproving was beyond reproach. 3a : a cause or occasion of blame, discredit, or disgrace. b : discredit, disgrace. 4 obsolete : one subjected to censure or scorn.

Does reproach mean blame?

The verb reproach means to express disapproval or criticism of; as a noun it means blame or criticism. If you are beyond reproach that means no one could find anything to criticize about you. Synonyms for reproach are the verbs admonish, reprove, rebuke, reprimand. As a noun, reproach can also be shame.

What is an example of reproach?

Reproach is defined as to blame or shame someone. An example of reproach is when you scold your child for coming in an hour past curfew. To express disapproval of, criticism of, or disappointment in (someone).

How do you reproach someone?


  1. transitive verb. If you reproach someone, you say or show that you are disappointed, upset, or angry because they have done something wrong.
  2. variable noun. If you look at or speak to someone with reproach, you show or say that you are disappointed, upset, or angry because they have done something wrong.
  3. transitive verb.