How does Logan die?

How does Logan die?

Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) was losing his mutant healing power in Logan because, ironically, he was poisoned for decades by the Adamantium coating his bones and claws, which ultimately lead to his tragic death.

Who is Logan’s wife?

Martha Logan

Who did Mystique have a baby with?

Mystique has at least two biological children: Nightcrawler, who she fathered with the demon Azazel, and the late anti-mutant campaigner Graydon Creed, who she fathered with Sabretooth. Mystique was also the adoptive mother to Rogue, taking her in when she ran away from home following the manifestation of her powers.

Who has Wolverine slept with?

With the smash hit (with critics and audiences) Logan still in theaters, now’s as good a time as any for CBR to go over 15 people who been to bed with Wolverine… Logan or otherwise!…Claw Marks: 15 People Who BANGED Wolverine

  1. 1 JEAN GREY.
  2. 2 MYSTIQUE.
  3. 3 DOMINO.
  4. 4 BLACK CAT.
  5. 5 HERCULES.
  6. 6 DAZZLER.

Is Wolverine in love with Jean?

At the start of the storyline in the Ultimate Marvel universe, Wolverine and Jean are together and in love. But their little relationship doesn’t last. Wolverine still likes her though, even though Jean tells him it’ll never work between them.

Who did Logan Love?


Did Wolverine kill Jean?

When Logan approaches her, Jean momentarily gains control and begs him to save her, and everyone else, by killing her. Logan fatally stabs Jean, killing the Phoenix, but mourns her death.

Does Jean Love Scott or Logan?

– Jean is attracted to Logan, but still loves Scott — cue love triangle and Wolvie/Cyke rivalry. – Years go by. Jean and Logan have brief flirtations(and some kisses), but she never cheats on Scott. – Jean and Scott’s marriage starts to deteriorate.

Why did Jean kill Scott?

It was her alternate personality “The Phoenix Force” which had full control over her. The Phoenix used her powers for her own selfish needs, unlike Jean. She uses her powers to deatomise Scott aka Cyclops because Scott was an unwanted burden for the Phoenix. The Phoenix killed them.

Who does Cyclops end up with?

Scott Summers and Jean Grey finally marry. During their honeymoon, they are brought into the future where they raise Cable for the first 12 years of his life during The Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix miniseries.

Does Jean Love Mikasa?

His love for Mikasa, like the one she has for Eren, is irrepressible and unconditional. A very mature and profound love in sum, since Jean places the happiness of Mikasa far before his (for someone who always placed his comfort as sovereign, it’s a remarkable change) and doesn’t seek to derive any glory of it.

Did Eren love Annie?

They are close friends. Eren is not in love with Annie either as many people have suggested below. Eren’s admiration for Annie and his hesitation concerning their fight are greatly exaggerated in the anime. He respected her and she was the first person to betray him and his cause, so he was distressed, but that’s it.

Why did Annie leave Armin?

So, her reasons for not killing Armin may be: Armin was harmless. His vertical maneuvering skills were poor, and even if he were to attack her titan form, she would easily squat him. She does not think of herself as a monster, or even that she is evil, so she has zero motivation for random killing.

Why did Annie kill Marco?

Annie had killed the two Titan test subjects “Shawney and Beane”. In order for her to not get caught, she had killed Marco and took his gear for the check, so she didn’t get caught and they didn’t find out that she killed them until later on.

Why did Annie say sorry?

Annie was apologizing to Marco because it’s her fault he died.