How does poor housing affect physical health?

How does poor housing affect physical health?

Substandard housing such as water leaks, poor ventilation, dirty carpets and pest infestation can lead to an increase in mold, mites and other allergens associated with poor health. Cold indoor conditions have been associated with poorer health, including an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Why are American houses so poorly made?

Today the consumer has a lower expectation of quality which is expressed in how much they can afford to pay for a home. As time progressed, the construction duration expectations, production of construction materials and the need for longevity all changed. Over time more and more wood framing and detailing was used.

Why are American houses so dark?

What gives? As it turns out, not only were paint colors limited in early America, but many houses were left unpainted. The wood became a dark, weathered brown. Of course, there is a reason we paint wood–protection from the elements–so today, this is often represented by a dark brown paint color.

Why are there no concrete houses in America?

Another reason is heat loss through concrete, with much of the US seeing snowy winters concrete is less practical because it soaks up the cold and is hard to insulate. Concrete structures are more common in the Southwest because they’re difficult to heat and stay colder than a typical wood home in the desert.

Why does America use drywall?

They are much less expensive than houses made of bricks and wood. Considering all the loans and mortgages an American has to go through for buying a house it’s only sensible that they be made less cheaper. 3. Drywalls are also much less time consuming to build a house with than bricks and wood.

Is it OK to use plywood instead of drywall?

Aside from being less fire resistant, more expensive and harder to work with, plywood is the more durable of the two materials. Unfortunately, when plywood is damaged it is harder to fix than drywall. Drywall is more universally used, and it is much easier to find someone to handle your drywall needs.

Why is drywall so fragile?

Drywall is only meant to be structural in shear, so in most ways it is pretty weak. They are used the same way as wood, only the screws fastening the drywall are different. A crew of three guys can put the board up in an average size house in three days. Usually that’s all they do, and another crew comes in to tape.

Why do American houses have thin walls?

The weight of a wood-framed building is much lighter than masonry. This reduces the required weight handling of the foundation for the building, and lowers overall materials costs. Framing and sheathing even a large wood-framed house can happen much faster than with masonry.

Why are American houses so cheap?

America is very large and has the room and materials to make lots of homes. Large supply combined with relatively low tax rates compared to other countries, as well as the avg American household income being 59k makes them somewhat affordable on the scale you are using.

Why are American doors so weak?

The weak point in almost all doors is where the catch/ latch is, which usually a small amount of metal on a wooden frame, the metal or wood will bend or break before the door does. Appropriate force on the right spot will bring down most doors, unless there is serous reinforcing and other mechanisms for bracing.

How do you tell if your house is poorly built?

The 8 Most Common Signs of Foundation Problems Include:

  1. Foundation Cracks, Wall/Floor Cracks and Other Types Of Fractures:
  2. Foundation Settling Or Sinking.
  3. Foundation Upheaval.
  4. Doors That Stick Or Don’t Open And Close Properly.
  5. Gaps Around Window Frames Or Exterior Doors.
  6. Sagging Or Uneven Floors.

Is it better to buy a used house or new?

The most obvious benefit to buying a new home as opposed to an old, existing, or used one is the fact that it’s brand spanking new. It’s untouched, it’s clean, everything is in good working order and nothing needs to be repaired.

When your house is a money pit?

10 Signs That Fixer-Upper Might Be a Money Pit

  1. The “As Is” Clause. 1/10.
  2. Foundation Faults. 2/10.
  3. Old-School Electrical Finds. 3/10.
  4. Roofing Red Flags. 4/10.
  5. Insect Infestation. 5/10.
  6. Uneven Walls and Floors. 6/10.
  7. Sunken Spirits. 7/10.
  8. Old-Window Woes. 8/10.

Is it better to buy an old or new house?

New homes are typically more energy efficient than older houses, having been built with newer building materials, better insulation, and state-of-the-art tech. Older homes tend to be less energy efficient, and that can lead to higher monthly expenditures for the new owners.

Are 100 year old houses safe?

While older homes can beautiful and ornate, they also are built with materials that are no longer considered safe. Sometimes, the materials within an older home are now illegal.