How far is Missouri from Chicago?

How far is Missouri from Chicago?

404 miles

How far is Missouri from Chicago by car?

The total driving distance from Missouri to Chicago, IL is 404 miles or 650 kilometers.

How many hours drive from Illinois to Missouri?

4 hours, 20 minutes.

Is Missouri close to Illinois?

Location map of Illinois in the US. Illinois borders Wisconsin to the north, Michigan via a water boundary in Lake Michigan to the northeast, Indiana to the east, and Kentucky to southeast. The Mississippi River forms a natural border with Missouri and Iowa in the west. The state’s nickname is “The Prairie State.”

How far is Chicago Illinois from Springfield Missouri?

The total driving distance from Springfield, MO to Chicago, IL is 512 miles or 824 kilometers.

How many miles is it from Illinois to Missouri?

263 miles

How many hours is it from Missouri to Chicago?

6 hours

How far is Kansas City from Chicago?

The total driving distance from Kansas City, MO to Chicago, IL is 510 miles or 821 kilometers.

How far is Indiana from Illinois?

174 miles

How many hours is Indiana from Illinois?

2 hours, 31 minutes

To: round-trip one-way
Get: vacation flight hotel car rental

How far across is Indiana?

140 miles

Is Indiana North or South?

Indiana is in the north-central United States and borders on Lake Michigan. Surrounding states are Michigan to the north and northeast, Illinois to the west, Kentucky to the south, and Ohio to the east. The entire southern boundary is the Ohio River.

What is Indiana nickname?

The Hoosier State

What is an Indiana accent?

The most common accent in Indiana is the average American one you find in California or in most coastal areas. In the rural areas you find partly southern accent. It is amazing how you cross the line from Indiana south to Kentucky and you face a deep southern accent.