How hard is it to get sole custody?

How hard is it to get sole custody?

There are a few obstacles involved with parents winning sole custody including: Many—but not all—family courts are reluctant to grant sole custody to one parent unless there are extenuating circumstances. These may include evidence of ongoing drug and/or alcohol abuse or domestic violence in the home4

How do I get sole legal custody?

In order to get sole custody of your child, you need to rebut the presumption of equal shared parental responsibility and prove to a court that sole custody of your child is in your child’s best interests.

How do I get sole custody in Australia?

In order to have the Court provide ‘sole parenting’ or ‘sole custody’ responsibility to one parent, that person will be required to provide the Court with a full report on all matters relevant to their claim against the other parent.

Why do parents get sole custody?

The clearest reason to ask for sole custody is to protect your child from physical harm, especially if the other parent has a history of any of the following issues: ABUSE: If a parent has assaulted or sexually abused the other parent or any child, this presents an obvious danger to their child.

How long do supervised visits last?

Erring on the side of safety, supervised visitation is often ordered through a neutral third party for a relatively short period, until further investigation and determinations can be made or the safety threats are eliminated. This could be 3 months, 6 months or 24 months, depending on the circumstances of the family.

How do you introduce a new significant other to a child?

Ask your kids for their input on where they would like to go for a first meeting. It’s probably best to set up the first meeting somewhere other than your home. Consider a neutral location like a park or restaurant. Limit the length of time for the first meeting and debrief with your kids as soon as it’s over.