How is bah type 2 calculated?

How is bah type 2 calculated?

There is a special type of Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) known as BAH Transit, BAH Type II, BAH Non-Locality or BAH Reserve, depending on what branch you are in and your status. BAH is published annually and is determined by increasing the previous year’s table by the percentage growth of housing costs.

Do dual military couples get Bah?

In general, dual military couples without dependents each receive single BAH. A military member cannot get BAH with dependents unless they have a dependent. Another military member cannot be considered a dependent since they are entitled to their own benefits.

What is the divorce rate for military couples?


Do you get more bah if you have more dependents?

Service members who are married or have children receive a “with dependents” rate for BAH instead of the “without dependents” rate. So, in this case, having an extra child would get you a little extra cash.

Does military base pay increase with dependents?

Note: Adding a dependent is a one time increase, additional dependents does NOT increase Regular Military Compensation (RMC). Use the Military Pay Calculator to estimate military salary by rank, location, and the branch of service.

Can you leave the military at any time?

If you went through all the motions of signing up for a military service only to decide it is not right for you and you have NOT been to the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) and have NOT taken an Oath of Enlistment, you are free to quit the process at any time.

Is military desertion a felony?

The key difference between them is that AWOL/UA is a misdemeanor, while desertion is a felony that assumes the missing soldier abandoned the service with the intent never to return.

Are deserters still shot?

UCMJ Desertion A charge of desertion can actually result in the death penalty, which is the maximum punishment during “time of war.” However, since the Civil War, only one American servicemember has ever been executed for desertion: Private Eddie Slovik in 1945.