How long can someone leave their property at your house in Florida?

How long can someone leave their property at your house in Florida?

A person can leave their property at your house indefinitely if they have your permission to do so. After giving the person a deadline to pick it up and not having a person pick up their property, the stuff they left behind is generally considered to be abandoned.

How long does someone have to get their stuff out of your house?

Depending on where you live, an ex can be given from 30-60 days to retrieve their belongings. While 30 days should be considered a minimum deadline, you should not set a deadline for less than 30 days. This is considered to be ample time for an ex to remove their possessions.

Can you evict a family member from your home in Florida?

If you are a Florida Homeowner that has a family member or friend that is living in your home that you want to remove, the proper action to remove a family member or friend from your Florida home is called a Florida Unlawful Detainer Action which governed by Florida Statutes Chapter 82.

Can you just kick someone out of your house in Florida?

In Florida, the question of evicting a roommate depends mostly on your lease. If you and your roommate are both on a lease, you cannot evict your roommate. If you are the only one on the lease, it’s possible to evict your roommate—although it’s still a time-consuming and complicated process.

How do I evict a family member who doesn’t pay rent in Florida?

If your family member or friend fails to leave by the requested date, you can then file an eviction petition. Once you file your petition, you must request an unlawful detainer hearing. This is a short court hearing in which you explain the reason for the eviction and present evidence of the prior notices to vacate.

Can I kick my girlfriend out of my house in Florida?

If you have a girlfriend living in your home and you no longer want her there, you can remove her legal through a Florida Unlawful Detainer. It is important to not confuse an Unlawful Detainer with a Florida Eviction or a Florida Ejectment. Therefore, it is important that you speak with an Florida Eviction Lawyer.