How long does a discovery process take?

How long does a discovery process take?

Once a personal injury lawsuit gets underway, the discovery process will last at least a few months and usually several months longer. In a large, complex case, it can go on for a year or more.

Who can be present at a deposition?

Usually, the only people present at a deposition are the deponent, attorneys for all interested parties, and a person qualified to administer oaths. Sometimes depositions are recorded by a stenographer, although electronic recordings are increasingly common. At the deposition, all parties may question the witness.

Who pays for plaintiff’s deposition?

That includes the cost of depositions, costs to get police reports, cost to get records, all those expert fees, all those types of things. The typical arrangement is the lawyer advances those costs. So if the plaintiff wants somebody deposed the lawyer is going to pay for it and that probably happens 99% of the time.

What happens in a deposition?

At a deposition, a person appears at a specified time and place and gives sworn testimony—under oath, usually with a court reporter present so that a record is made. Depositions typically occur during the discovery phase of a personal injury case (after the filing of a lawsuit, but before trial or settlement).

How long does a deposition usually take?

A deposition can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 8 hrs. If the plaintiff’s attorney doesn’t finish asking all the questions, the deponent may be called back on a later date to finish the deposition.

Can I be deposed twice?

There are times when someone may be required to participate in a second deposition, but in the State of California, this generally requires a court order. It may happen if there is a new party that is later added to the case after the original depositions were completed.

Do you get paid for giving a deposition?

A: The general answer is no, you can’t get paid. However, after discussing this issue with some litigation attorneys, there is a chance you could get paid by one of the parties to the lawsuit if you can get the judge to issue an order which requires them to pay.

What is a deposition fee?

(a) Witnesses subpoenaed for any deposition or hearing are entitled to the following fees and mileage, payable in advance: (1) Witness fee for each day’s actual attendance of thirty-five dollars ($35); (2) Mileage actually traveled, both ways, of twenty cents ($.