How long does it take to get a divorce in Mississippi?

How long does it take to get a divorce in Mississippi?

60 days

Can you date while separated in MS?

It is commonly asked by clients, “Can I date others?” The short answer is NO. In Mississippi divorce there is no such thing as “legal separation.” You are married until you are divorced. That means either party could get “fault grounds” against the other at any time prior to the divorce being granted.

How much does divorce cost in Mississippi?

Divorce Filing Fees and Typical Attorney Fees by State

State Average Filing Fees
Mississippi $400
Missouri $133.50 (without minor children), $233.50 (with minor children) (District specific fees. This example is from Jefferson County Circuit.)
Montana $170
Nebraska $158

How long after a divorce can you remarry in Mississippi?

You can remarry at any point after the final decree of divorce has be entered (ie, filed with the clerk), however, if you wanted to be extra careful or suspect your ex-spouse may appeal, you should wait an additional 30 days and ensure no appeal…

How does alimony work in Mississippi?

Mississippi law defines two types of alimony, lump sum and periodic payment. Lump sum alimony is a fixed and final dollar amount paid either in a single payment or over a period of time. The court cannot later modify the amount, nor does the death or remarriage of either spouse affect it.

What are grounds for divorce in Mississippi?

Adultery, custody to the Mississippi Department of Corrections, incurable insanity that develops after marriage, habitual drunkenness, habitual and excessive drug use, and habitual cruel and inhuman treatment are grounds for divorce because of the impact those actions or conditions have on the marriage.

Is Mississippi a no fault state for divorce?

Since Mississippi recognizes “no-fault” grounds for divorce, you can end your marriage on the basis of “irreconcilable differences,” which is just a fancy way of saying you and your spouse can’t get along anymore, the marriage is over, and there is no reasonable chance of getting back together.

How can I get a divorce in Mississippi without a lawyer?

The most simple procedure is an uncontested divorce using the no-fault grounds. You and your spouse will either need to have a written agreement on property division, alimony, and child custody and support (if applicable); or sign a consent to allow the court to decide these matters.

Is there alimony in Mississippi?

Alimony is granted in cases where one spouse absolutely needs it to support themselves, and if the other spouse can pay it. There are two types of spousal support in Mississippi: lump sum and periodic payment. Lump sum alimony is a fixed amount of income that is paid in either one single payment or over a set time.

How do you fight alienation of affection in Mississippi?

Proving an alienation of affection claim? In order to win an alienation of affection claim, the plaintiff must prove: (1) that the defendant engaged in wrongful conduct; (2) that the plaintiff suffered loss of affection or consortium; and (3) that the defendant’s conduct was the cause of the loss.

Does Mississippi have alienation of affection law?

Many states have abolished the tort of alienation of affection. However, Mississippi is one of the six states that still recognizes the value of the marital relationship and has refused to abolish this traditional avenue of relief for aggrieved spouses.

Is Mississippi community property state?

Thus, when it comes to property division, Mississippi is not a “community-property” state whereby all of the divorcing spouses’ assets, regardless of whether they were acquired during the marriage or not, are divided equally (50/50) upon divorce. Instead, Mississippi is what is called an “equitable distribution” state.