How long does the extradition process take?

How long does the extradition process take?

The state that issued the extradition warrant will then have 21 days to pick up the person and bring them back to the home state. However the process to return a fugitive to the demanding state may take from 1-3 months.

Why would you waive extradition?

Waiving Extradition A defendant may want to establish a history of cooperating with authorities so may decide to waive extradition to avoid law enforcement going through the extra expense and frustration of challenging extradition.

Who decides extradition?

After a person has been located and arrested in the requested country, the case enters the judicial phase. During the judicial phase, a court will determine whether the extradition request meets the requirements of the applicable extradition treaty and the law of the requested country.

How long does it take to extradite someone from another state?

With regard to state felony warrants, it is up to the charging state to process the extradition, and it is generally understood that this can take about 30 days.

What do extradited mean?

Legal Definition of extradition : the surrender of an accused usually under the provisions of a treaty or statute by one sovereign (as a state or nation) to another that has jurisdiction to try the accused and that has demanded his or her return — see also asylum state — compare detainer, rendition.

Why are criminals extradited to the US?

Interstate extradition. The Extradition Clause in the US Constitution requires states, upon demand of another state, to deliver a fugitive from justice who has committed a “treason, felony or other crime” to the state from which the fugitive has fled.

Can a Greek citizen be extradited to the US?

Greece does not typically extradite its own citizens to the United States, said Kieran Ramsey, the supervisory agent in the FBI’s New Hampshire office. “They decided to arrest him, try him and convict him there, which essentially reaffirmed the New Hampshire state conviction.”

Does the US extradite to Bangkok?

Which countries have extradition treaties with Thailand? Currently, the following countries have extradition treaties with Thailand: the US, the UK, Canada, China, Belgium, Philippines, Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, South Korea, Bangladesh, Fiji, and Australia.