How many days is the other day?

How many days is the other day?

The expression the other day is not used for yesterday. Generally, it means anything from 3 days to about 2 weeks ago, though it could also refer to times further in the past. There is also a normal noun phrase the other day, which is not an expression. It simply means the other of two days that you are talking about.

How many is a few?

While many would agree that few means three or more, the dictionary definition is, “not many but more than one.” So, a few cannot be one, but it can be as low as two.

Is a few 3 or 4?

Some, Few, Several, and Many Actually, no. While many people would agree that “a few” means three or more, the actual dictionary definition of “a few” is, “not many but more than one.” So, “a few” cannot be one, but it can be as low as two.

Is a few more than some?

Few means “not many but some,” as in “The train leaves in a few minutes,” and several denotes more than the words couple and few do but implies lesser than the word many does.

What is the difference between many and few?

Both much and many suggest a large quantity of something, whilst little and few mean: not as much, or not as many. However, if you use a little or a few this means: a small amount! But how do we know when to use each word?

What is the difference between a few a little and a lot of?

Little refers to non-countable nouns, and is used with the singular form to indicate that something exists only in a small amount or to a slight degree. Few refers to countable nouns, and is used with the plural form to indicate not many persons or things. For example: I’ve got little money left in my account.

How much money is O money?

‘Money’ and ‘cash’ are uncountable nouns, whereas ‘notes’ and ‘coins’ are countable nouns. It’s incorrect to use the adjective ‘many’ before uncountable nouns like money,cash, rice, oil etc. Therefore ‘how much money ‘ is correct.

What is the difference between few a few little and a little?

a few. The only difference is that we use few and a few with countable nouns in the plural form, and we use little and a little with uncountable nouns: We had little time to prepare before we had to go. By the way, you should use little and a little with “water” because it’s an uncountable noun.

Is a few a negative word?

Few is a negative idea. It means ‘almost none’.

How do you use few and a few?

Few means “not many (people or things).” It is used to say that there are not a lot of people or things. A few means “some (people or things).” It is used to say that there are a small number of people or things.

What is the different between few and a few?

Few means “not many (people or things).” It is used to say that there are not a lot of people or things. A few means “some (people or things).” It is used to say that there are a small number of people or things. A few puts a little more attention on the positive—that there is a small number (of people or things).

Which is more few or a few?

Answer: Both the terms “few” and a few” technically refer to more than one, so some people use them interchangeably, assuming they mean the same, but that is not correct. ‘A few’ means ‘some’, whereas ‘few’ means ‘not a lot of’.

What is difference between few a few and the few?

I could answer only a few questions. A few means some. It has a positive meaning. The few means not many, but all of those.

Can a few mean 4?

Some insisted “a few” meant three and only three. Some said it meant three or four. Or maybe more. The answer is that there is no hard-and-fast answer.

What does very few mean?

“a very few means small number but more than two” “very few means virtually none, almost none”

What’s another word for few?

In this page you can discover 63 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for few, like: some, several, a couple of, less, scant, fewness, scarce, a-few, scattered, a handful and straggling.

What is another word for limited?

Limited Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for limited?

restricted finite
inadequate slight
insufficient minimal
short small
deficient insubstantial

What is another word for has been?

What is another word for has been?

lapsed former
onetime recent
has-been sometime
one-time previous

What is the antonym of enjoy?

What is the opposite of enjoy?

dislike hate
loathe abhor
despise detest
scorn shun
abominate deplore

What’s a big word for enjoy?

SYNONYMS FOR enjoy 1 appreciate, fancy, relish, savor.

How do you say enjoy in a different way?


  1. delight in.
  2. derive pleasure.
  3. enjoy.
  4. indulge.
  5. luxuriate.
  6. relish.
  7. revel.
  8. rollick.

What is the synonym of enjoying?

love, rejoice (in), relish, revel (in), savor.

What do you call a person who enjoys life?

Used as a noun or adjective, epicurean refers to a devotion to pleasure or refined, sensuous enjoyment, especially of good food and drink. Thus the “good life” was one filled with pleasure and the avoidance of pain.