How many of the 44 US presidents have been veterans?

How many of the 44 US presidents have been veterans?

Serving in the military isn’t a prerequisite for becoming president. Nonetheless, out of the 45 presidents of the United States, 29 had some military experience in their background, according to the US Department of Veterans Affairs.

Is George Washington a 6 star general?

In 1976, as part of commemorations for the U.S. Bicentennial, General George Washington was posthumously promoted to the rank of General of the Armies of the United States. Although the law did not actually specify the number of stars, some U.S. newspapers and members of Congress described this as a “six-star rank”.

What is a 7 star general?

No person have ever been awarded or promoted to a seven-star rank, although some commentators might argue that General George Washington posthumously became a seven-star general in 1976 (see Part Seven).

Who is the only 6 star general?

Jeremy Ray

WHO WAS LAST 5 star general?

Omar Bradley

Who was the greatest US general ever?

George Washington

Do generals have bodyguards?

The generals’ personal staff include drivers, security guards, secretaries and people to shine their shoes and iron their uniforms. When traveling, they can be accompanied by police motorcades that stretch for blocks.

What is a bird colonel?

The rank of colonel in the U.S. Army denotes a senior commissioned officer with at least 19 years of service in the military. For this reason, a colonel is sometimes referred to as a full bird colonel to distinguish from a lieutenant colonel, one rank below. Monthly base pay starts at $6,399, or $76,788 annually.

Do Colonels fight?

Colonels may see combat and have their boots on the ground but the highest rank to routinely and be expected to actively participate in combat with their arms is a captain. In order to properly command a battalion or regiment (what a colonel generally commands), one cannot be actively in the fight.

How old are colonels?

O-4 (Major): 33 (join + 10 years) O-5 (Lt. Col): 39 (join + 16 years) O-6 (Col): 45 (join + 22 years)

Is Colonel higher than Captain?

A colonel is three steps higher in the officers rankings than a captain. Colonels typically serve as staff officers between field commands at a battalion or brigade level. It is the lowest of the staff ranks and they are the principal advisors to senior officers.

How long does it take to become a Marine colonel?

Colonel (Col)(O6) It typically takes 21-23 years to reach this rank, and it is considered to be the final step before reaching the general officer ranks.

How fast do Marines rank up?

On average, one can expect to be promoted with the following time-in-service: Private First Class (E-2) – 6 months. Lance Corporal (E-3) – 14 months. Corporal (E-4) – 26 months.

What is highest marine rank?


Is there a 5 star general in the Marines?

The highest rank in the Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps is General (four star), followed by Lieutenant General (three star), Major General (two star) and Brigadier General (one star). Five men have held the rank of General of the Army (five star), George C. The five-star rank is no longer attainable.

Who is the top Marine general?

General David H. Berger

Is Major General A high rank?

Major general is the highest permanent peacetime rank in the uniformed services as higher ranks are technically temporary and linked to specific positions, although virtually all officers promoted to those ranks are approved to retire at their highest earned rank.

What is the highest rank in the military?


Who is eligible for military funeral honors?

The following are eligible to receive military funeral honors: Military members who died while on active duty. Veterans who served in the active military, naval, or air service and were discharged or released from that service by means of an “honorable” or “under honorable conditions” discharge.

Does an e9 salute an o1?

A: Yes. It doesn’t matter what rank the junior-ranking individual(s) is/are, whether commissioned or non-commissioned. Anytime a higher-ranking commissioned officer is encountered in a setting which requires a salute, all personnel junior in rank must salute.