How much are parents expected to pay for college?

How much are parents expected to pay for college?

First, in general, parents are expected to contribute up to 47% of their net income to the cost of college every year. Before you freak out, stop! That doesn’t mean 47% of every dollar you earn.

What is a good EFC score?

Any person with an EFC number at 0 will receive the maximum amount of student aid, while a number over 5273 will result in no aid at all. The numbers, and the amount awarded, fluctuate annually. The closer you can get to zero, the more federal dollars you’ll have to help pay for tuition and fees.

Is it better to have a higher or lower EFC?

The higher the EFC score, the more you are expected to pay. Families should keep in mind the EFC is usually the minimum a college expects a family to pay. Many times, families will pay much more. A high EFC score means your student will receive less need-based federal financial aid to attend college.

What is an average EFC score?

The overall average EFC is about $10,000, with an average of about $6,000 for students at community colleges and $14,000 at 4-year colleges. Slightly more than half of students have an EFC of $2,500 or less. Slightly more than 10% have an EFC greater than $25,000.

What EFC qualifies for Pell Grant?

All the above factors—income and expenses—are used to calculate yet another number called an Expected Family Contribution (EFC). If your EFC is at or below $5,711 for the 2020-21 academic year, you will be eligible to receive the Pell Grant.

What is the income cut off for Pell Grant?

Your eligibility is decided by the FAFSA. Students whose total family income is $50,000 a year or less qualify, but most Pell grant money goes to students with a total family income below $20,000. The total amount of Pell money available to colleges is determined by government funding.

Can you buy a car with Pell Grant money?

Since aid packages cover the full cost of attendance (including living expenses, books, etc.) you may have money left over after your tuition and fees are paid. If you do, that money will be refunded to you. You can then use it for whatever you’d like, including buying a car.