How much does a lobola cost?

How much does a lobola cost?

According to the Nguni Cattle Breeders Society, a cow costs, on average, R9 000. So assuming that the bride’s and groom’s families agree on 10 cows, the groom’s family will have to pay lobola of R90 000.

What happens after paying lobola?

What happens after lobola negotiations? The moment the final lobola price is agreed upon, the uncles of the groom would meet with the family of the bride and arrange for the payment. After that is done, the groom becomes a part of the bride’s family, and a party would be thrown.

How many cows are in a lobola?

“The payment of 10 cows — plus one for the mother of the bride — was formalised only in the former colony of Natal, where this has been maintained as the typical payment in Zulu marriage.

Is half lobola marriage?

Lobola itself is not marriage, but rather a part of the process of getting married under customary law. (In South Africa, couples of the same gender are allowed to marry under the Civil Union Act of 2006.) “It is very important to celebrate the customary marriage after lobola negotiations have been concluded.

What is the process of lobola?

Lobola cannot be paid in full in one go, the groom’s delegation will need to come again after the first negotiations to finish paying for their bride to be. Once the Lobola has been paid in full then the next step follows which is called Izibizo, which can happen on the day when lobola negotiations are concluded.

What comes first between lobola and engagement?

Back in the day, lobola *WAS* the engagement. This means that for them; the proposal/engagement comes before the “vula mlomo” (the proposer’s introduction and request for blessings from the families to marry the “proposee“).

What currency is used to secure a bride?

In its pure form, lobola is meant to benefit both families as the money obtained from lobola is also used by the bride when she has to buy gifts for the groom and his family.

What’s lobola in English?

: bride-price especially among the Bantu-speaking peoples of southern Africa.

What is the bride price?

Bride Price is when the family of the groom pay their future in-laws at the start of their marriage. The payment can be made up of money, presents, or a mixture of both. It’s sometimes paid in one go, but instalments aren’t uncommon. It’s also practised widely in Thailand, China, and Papua New Guinea.

Who invented lobola?

Theophilus Shepstone

What is Izibizo?

What is uMembeso/Izibizo? Umembeso (ooh-meh-mbheh-soh) involves the bridegroom gifting Koti’s family, specifically her mother, as a “thank you” for raising his fiancée well. There is much celebration in the form of song and dance during this ceremony as two families become one.

What are the advantages of lobola?

The advantages of lobola are quite many. Firstly, it is a declaration of compliance to the culture that you belong to. That declaration is an assurance that you are a “normal” man in your society. In other words, you are going to pass on the culture to your future generations.

What is the origin of lobola?

The practice of paying “Lobola” (or Lobolo) as part of the marriage process is a tradition in many South African cultures including Xhosa, Zula, Swazi and Ndebele. Blankets and Weaves has created the Nguni Blanket to celebrate the natural beauty of these cows – often the cattle negotiated during Lobola.

How do Tswanas get married?

At present, most young Tswana couples are opting to have church and civil weddings instead of traditional marriage ceremonies. They still retain some of the traditional rituals, however, like Patlo, Go Batla Mosadi and Bogadi.