How much is child support in the army?

How much is child support in the army?

One minor child — 16.7 percent of gross pay. Two minor children — 25 percent of gross pay. Three minor children —33.3 percent of gross pay.

Does the army give you money for child support?

Interim Child Support All military members are required to pay for their children even if there is no court order. The payment depends on the service member’s gross pay and their Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH).

Is Bah used to calculate child support?

The calculation of child support involves what is called the housing allowance. The military housing allowance, now called the Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH), is nontaxable allowance paid to service members who do not live in government housing. Both pay and all allowances are used to calculate child support.

Does BAH go up with more dependents?

Yes, but not in the way you’re hoping. That BAH bump comes only once, when the service member gets married or, if they don’t marry, when they have more than 50% custody of their first child. After that, the rate does not change per child or per dependent — it’s a one-time thing.

Is military Bah considered income?

The Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) and Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) are both nontaxable income.

What military income is not taxable?

Taxes. In general, unless earned in a designated combat zone, all military pay items are taxable. Military allowances (such as housing allowance, overseas housing allowance, family separation allowance, basic allowance for subsistence) are not taxable by either the federal or state governments.

How much does an e4 make in the army with dependents?

E-4 Servicemember with Three Years of Military Service: Annual Regular Military Compensation (RMC)

Individual Servicemember Servicemember w/ Family of 4
Basic Pay $27,778 $27,778
BAS $4,419 $4,419
BAH $7,373 $9,821
Cash Total $39,570 $42,018

What states are tax free for military?

States That Don’t Tax Military Retirement Pay

Alabama Kansas Minnesota
Arkansas Louisiana Mississippi
Connecticut Maine Missouri
Hawaii Massachusetts New Jersey
Illinois Michigan New York

Does military get tax breaks?

Members of the military serving in combat zones get an automatic 180-day extension from the IRS for filing tax returns, paying taxes and filing refund claims. The automatic extension also applies to making qualified contributions to an IRA. However, this exception does not apply to Social Security and Medicare taxes.

Do soldiers pay taxes?

In the military, the federal government generally only taxes base pay, and many states waive income taxes. You may be subject to federal, state and local income tax (though some states and localities charge none), Social Security tax and Medicare tax.

Do soldiers get to keep their guns?

No one is allowed to have a concealed carry permit on a military installation, the military doesn’t even issue them. Weapons must be registered on base and either kept in the home or stored in the base armory. Generally, service members who live in military barracks are not allowed to keep weapons in their room at all.

Does military fly for free?

Service members and their families can use Space-Available flights to travel around the country and world at little to no cost. Flights are typically free of charge, but call to confirm any taxes or fees. The only way to sign up for a Space-A flight is through a military terminal.

Can military Kiss in uniform?

Hand-holding, hugging and kissing are generally not allowed while in uniform. Remember that while in uniform, service members are expected to maintain military decorum and bearing. It’s one of the hardest rules not to break, but an important one to remember.

Which military branch travels the most?

Within the the Department of the Air Force, the branch that really travels the world is MAC (Military Airlift Command). They fly for all of the other departments of the military, and none of the others have heavy, long range air transport capabilities.

How much money do soldiers make?

How Much Do Army Soldier Jobs Pay per Month?

Annual Salary Weekly Pay
Top Earners $50,000 $961
75th Percentile $35,500 $682
Average $30,572 $587
25th Percentile $25,000 $480

Can a girlfriend live on army base?

No. You cannot be assigned housing for a family without dependents. And no one can live in your quarters who is not a dependent. Unless you are married she will not be recognized as your dependent.

How many hours of sleep do soldiers get?

Most Soldiers reported sleeping 6 to 7 hours per night, regardless of duty status. However, nearly 1 in 3 reported getting less than 6 hours of sleep on weeknights/duty nights. Soldiers also reported getting more sleep on weekend/non-duty nights than on weeknights/duty nights..

How many times can a soldier be deployed?

Soldiers on active duty can be deployed anytime, for a period of 12 consecutive months or more sometimes. Soldiers in World War Two deployed for the entire war and could be gone for four to five years.

How much do you sleep in basic training?

Most soldiers reported a reduction in sleep duration and quality since entering BCT, citing that they were used to sleeping an average of 8 to 9 hours at home, but averaged 5 to 6 hours per night in BCT.

Where do soldiers sleep in Iraq?

In Iraq, some servicemembers live like princes while others sleep in the sand. Soldiers with Company A, 1st Battalion, 508th Infantry Regiment sleep where they can at a patrol base near the Tigris River.

Do soldiers sleep in tanks?

Those in the tanks did have the advantage over the infantry, but few creature comforts. The crew (four or five or six) would sleep under a waterproof tarpaulin, in a row alongside their tank. While driving or in battle for hours at a time the conditions inside were almost unbearable.

Do soldiers sleep with their guns?

In the barracks, you don’t sleep with your weapon, in fact most soldiers don’t even get to touch their weapons on the average duty day, it stays locked up in the armory. Even when going to the range the weapons were transported by truck and locked into racks.

Do soldiers sleep in barracks?

While visitors cannot stay the night in the barracks, there are accommodations on base, if you choose, for visiting family members and friends, and your service member can stay the night with you. Mail room: Mail does not go directly to service members. All mail is received and controlled by personnel in the mail room.

Are females allowed in male barracks?

Are females allowed in male barracks? – Quora. By rule: No. They have their own barracks. However its very easy to get away with and a very common theme in the Army.

What do soldiers eat on base?

Generally, a MRE contains the following items:

  • Entree – the main course, such as spaghetti or beef stew.
  • Side dish – rice, corn, fruit, or mashed potatoes, etc.
  • Cracker or bread.
  • Spread – peanut butter, jelly, or cheese spread.
  • Dessert – cookies or pound cakes.
  • Candy – M&Ms, Skittles, or Tootsie Rolls.