How much of my military retirement is my ex wife entitled to?

How much of my military retirement is my ex wife entitled to?


How long do you have to be married to get military benefits after divorce?

20 years

Does military pay go up when you have a baby?

Yes, but not in the way you’re hoping. That BAH bump comes only once, when the service member gets married or, if they don’t marry, when they have more than 50% custody of their first child. After that, the rate does not change per child or per dependent — it’s a one-time thing.

How soon can I join the military after having a baby?

In the Marine Corps, one must give up legal custody (by court order) of their child(ren), and then wait one year or more before being eligible for enlistment. For Navy enlistments, the waiting period is six months and the court order must make it very plain that the transfer of custody is permanent.

What military branch is best for single mothers?

While women fit right into any branch, mothers may be most comfortable in the National Guard or Reserves.

  • Fly for the Air Force Reserve.
  • Serve Domestically in the National Guard.
  • Sail With the Navy Reserve.
  • Other Opportunities in the Reserves.

Can both parents be deployed at the same time?

But what about families with two parents deploying at the sametime? But there is no military policy or federal law allowing theMarine Corps or the Navy to officially refrain from sending a setof parents into a combat zone at the same time.

Will I lose custody if I join the military?

Active Duty and Custody The active duty of military personnel requires relocation to another country, state or naval base for times of war or when the service member needs to work on site. This factor could lead to a loss of custody or joint custody with the other parent.

Can a military member get 50 50 custody?

If both parents are in the military then the plan should state where the child will live if both parents are deployed or sent on assignment. You can give sole legal custody to the person who has physical custody of the child or you can share joint legal custody with that person.

Does military help with child support?

Federal regulations require U.S. military service members and veterans to provide child support to their custodial and non-custodial children. In the absence of a plan for financial child support, interim support measures are determined by the military until a court order is obtained.

Can Jag help with custody cases?

1 attorney answer The JAG does not get involved in divorces and child custody disputes. On occasion, the JAG may provide some assistance with obtaining continuances for military personnel who are oversees or otherwise unable to participate in…

Do military get free lawyers?

There is no charge for services provided by military legal assistance offices. All services provided by a military legal assistance lawyer are free to eligible personnel. If your legal problem involves costs or fees (for example, a filing fee to file a case with the court), you will probably have to pay these charges.

Does Navy legal help with divorce?

Will the Navy provide me representation for my divorce case? A. No. Since state laws vary, a Navy attorney can give you general advice about separation and divorce procedures, about custody and visitation rights and obligations, and advise you on how to find an attorney who can represent you.

Do military lawyers help with divorce?

While military legal assistance attorneys may not be able to draft specific court documents or represent members or their families in court, they can provide helpful advice on a range of legal issues including divorce and child custody, income taxes and wills. Military legal assistance offices can help with this.