Is Anytime a good response to thank you?

Is Anytime a good response to thank you?

We say thank you when we want to show our appreciation or gratitude for something that somebody else did. We say anytime in response to thank you. Anytime is similar to you’re welcome, no problem, my pleasure, not at all, glad to help, of course, etc.

Does anytime mean you’re welcome?

Answer: Anytime means that the person would do the same again for you at any time. Anytime, You’re welcome, No problem, My pleasure etc should convey the generosity of the respondent to the thanks-giver.

What is the reply of most welcome?

Here are a few more ways to say “You’re welcome” in English.

  • You got it.
  • Don’t mention it.
  • No worries.
  • Not a problem.
  • My pleasure.
  • It was nothing.
  • I’m happy to help.
  • Not at all.

What is reply for thank you?

You’re welcome. No problem. No worries. Don’t mention it.

Is your welcome rude?

She explained that “you’re welcome”—a phrase that is meant to be courteous—is sometimes perceived as insincere or snarky. When the phrase is exclaimed in the absence of thanks, as comedians have made popular, it is obviously rude. When used graciously, “you’re welcome” is a perfectly polite form of expression.

Is it rude not to say you’re welcome?

It is not rude not to say “you’re welcome” after a compliment. When “thank you” is the initiating phrase, your response should be “you’re welcome” or any substitute of that which seems most appropriate; however, when the initiating phrase is a compliment, “you’re welcome” becomes the response.

Is it polite to say you’re welcome?

When you do a favor, and someone says “thank you,” the automatic response is “you’re welcome.” It’s a basic rule of politeness, and it signals that you accept the expression of gratitude—or that you were happy to help.

Is saying no problem rude?

No matter how you slice it, in American English, to use the phrase “No problem” as the correct response to “thank you” and most other situations is not accurate. In fact, it’s inappropriate, in most instances inaccurate and in some instances rude.

Is sure rude?

To be polite it’s always good to say “Sure, I would like to …” or “Sure, that would be nice…” Which is still dependent on how you say these words. If you say them sarcastically then it would be rude. Sure is dependent on how you sound when using it to agree to something.

Is it OK to say no problem?

Most people who reply with “no problem” following an expression of gratitude intend to convey that they acted out of politeness and were not inconvenienced, and, really, no expression of thanks is needed. Sure, the term “no problem” is negative in construction, but its intended meaning isn’t.

Can you say no problem to thanks?

“No problem” is appropriate when someone is thanking you for doing them a favor — something you went a little out of your way for out of kindness or consideration.

What can I use instead of No Problem?

What is another word for no problem?

it’s all right it’s nothing
no problemo no probs
not at all no worries
that’s OK without problems
you’re welcome all good

What is the reply for No Problem?

From their perspective, saying “no problem” means that whatever they’re thanking someone for was in fact a problem, but the other person did it anyway as a personal favor. To them “You’re welcome” is the standard polite response.

Is no problem informal?

No problem is quite an informal way of saying ‘you’re welcome’. Another way this could be said is, in response to expression of regret, or gratitude when no thanks, or apology is necessary. Example 1: “Could you help me with this please?” “Sure, no problem”

Can you reply no worries to Sorry?

Explanation: This is very commonly in both regular daily life and in the work place. It can be used after an apology or after someone says thank you. In both cases, it is telling the person that the event was no big deal and it does not require an apology or a thank you.

Can I say no worries to my boss?

The goal of a boss conversation is not always relaying information, but sometimes to build rapport with your colleagues. And in that case, a casual “No worries” can introduce unwanted questions about your colleague’s performance.

Why is saying no problem bad?

A Case Against The Phrase ‘No Problem’ : 13.7: Cosmos And Culture Commentator Alva Noë says “no problem” is the wrong way to reply to an expression of thanks — for the simple reason that saying “thank you” isn’t, or shouldn’t be, a veiled way of making an apology.

Is say what rude?

It’s not rude to say “What” because sometimes a person has to ask a question with WH words or in other words. For example, if someone comes to your house & you ask “who is standing outside”. This is a genuine question, no harm in asking it. If someone declares it rude behavior then what a person can do, nothing.

Is it OK to say no worries in an email?

You should be saying You’re Welcome in business correspondence. No Worries and No Problems are way too casual.

What can I say instead of Don’t worry?


  • cheer up. phrasal verb. spoken used for telling someone to try to be happier.
  • forget it. phrase. used for telling someone that they should not worry about something because it is not important.
  • never mind. phrase.
  • no harm done. phrase.
  • don’t panic. phrase.
  • there, there. phrase.
  • hush. verb.
  • all right. adjective.

What does it mean when a girl says no worries?

Question: What does it mean when a person says “No worries”? It simply means: “That is not a problem”; “there is no need to apologise”; “that is fine”; or “No cause for concern”.

What does it mean when a man says no worries?

Definition. No worries is an Australian English expression, meaning “do not worry about that”, or “that’s all right”. It can also mean “sure thing” and “you’re welcome”. The expression has been compared to the American English equivalent “no problem”.

Is no worries a complete sentence?

“no worry” is not a phrase used in English; perhaps the closest phrase that is not idiomatic might be “don’t worry.” But “no worries” is a popular idiom meaning “don’t worry” or “it’s okay”, when used as an answer to “I’m sorry” or “excuse me”.

Is no worries an Australian saying?

Let’s start with one of the most famous Australian slang phrases: No worries. It’s said to be the national motto of Australia. This expression means “do not worry about it”, or “it’s all right”.

What does NWS mean in Australia?

North West Shelf