Is both a singular or plural?

Is both a singular or plural?

The indefinite pronouns both, few, many, others, and several are always plural.

When to use has or have?

While the verb to have has many different meanings, its primary meaning is “to possess, own, hold for use, or contain.” Have and has indicate possession in the present tense (describing events that are currently happening). Have is used with the pronouns I, you, we, and they, while has is used with he, she, and it.

Has two or have two?

You’ll notice that the only subject you should use “has” with is third person singular (he has, she has, it has). You should use “have” everywhere else. The subject “Al and Sue” is third person plural (the same as “they”), so use “have.”

How do you use have had in one sentence?

We use have had in the present perfect when the main verb is also “have”:

  1. I’m not feeling well. I have had a headache all day.
  2. She has had three children in the past five years.
  3. We have had some problems with our computer systems recently.
  4. He has had two surgeries on his back.

Where do we use had?

This means you can use either a plural or singular subject in any point-of-view (first-person, second-person, or third-person). And, because it is used in the past tense, HAD is used as an auxiliary verb to form the past perfect and the past perfect-progressive tenses.

Has and have exercises with answers?

Have/Has Exercise

  • We ________ a new English teacher.
  • My boss ________ such a bad temper.
  • I never ________ breakfast in the morning because I’m never hungry.
  • The houses all ________ blue windows.
  • An elephant ________ four legs and a big trunk.
  • Many poor people ________ no money to spend.
  • The child ________ red hair and very white skin.

Was and were used in English?

Generally, “was is used for singular objects and “were” is used for plural objects. So, you will use “was” with I, he, she and it while you will use “were” with you, we and they. There is a tip you might want to consider. Even though you are singular, you must use “were”.

Does and have in a sentence?

how to use them in a sentence. it is correct to say she has but if you are going to use ‘does’ then the has becomes have.

DID is past or present?

The past simple form, did, is the same throughout. The present participle is doing. The past participle is done. The present simple tense do and the past simple tense did can be used as an auxiliary verb.

Do did does use in English?

DO / DOES / DID – For Questions To make a question in the simple present tense in English we normally put the auxiliary “do” or “does” and for questions in the past tense “did” at the beginning of the question before the subject. Look at this affirmative sentence: You speak English.

Is were present tense?

Verb Forms

Form Verb
Infinitive be
Past tense was (for I / he / she / it); were (for we / you / they)
Past participle be, been
Present participle being

Did you see or saw?

‘Did you see’, ‘Did you eat’, ‘Did you play’, ‘Did you go’ etc. So ‘Did you’ plus base infinitive and when we answer, we always answer with the Verb 2. So ‘Did you see?’ ‘Yes, I saw’ or ‘No, I didn’t see’.

Have you seen or have you watched?

Both are grammatically correct and both are suitable formats for the question. There is NO difference in meaning between the two words in this particular context; ‘watched’ does NOT connote that you paid more attention to the movie than ‘seen’ does.

Did you see or have you seen?

“Have you seen” implies that the person saw your glasses sometime in the recent past right up to the present moment. “Did you see” is asking if the person has ever seen your glasses, at any time in the past. It makes a big difference if you’re looking for a lost pair of glasses.

Did you watch or have you seen?

3 Answers. The two common wordings are did you watch and have you seen. Did you watch generally takes a time frame or some other constraint.

Did you check or checked?

The tense of “did you checked” is incorrect, so use “have you checked.”

What is the difference of do and have?

“I ate an apple,” simply means you ate an apple in the past. “I have eaten an apple,” basically means the same thing. The difference is that here you emphasize the fact that NOW the action is complete. This is why this tense is called the present perfect – it tells us that the action is now complete.

What is difference between watch and see?

“See” means to notice or become aware of someone or something by using your eyes. “Look” means to direct your eyes in a particular direction. “Watch” means to look at someone or something for an amount of time and pay attention to what is happening.

Do you watch or see movies?

They are both correct, though the meaning is slightly different. “Watch” indicates using more attention or focus than “see”. In terms of usage, I would say that if you’re proposing going to a movie, or talking about it after the fact, it’s more common to use “see”.

When we use tell and say?

The difference between say and tell

  1. Say something vs tell someone something. Generally speaking, you can use say and tell as follows: You say something BUT you tell someone something.
  2. Say something to someone. Tell is used with an indirect object (e.g. tell me something, tell John something…) ‘Say’ is usually used without an indirect object.

Can I say or can I tell?

Answer. The meanings of these two verbs, tell and say, are similar. The main meaning of tell is to “say or write something to someone.” The main meaning of say is to “use your voice to express something in words.” However, there are some clear and easy rules to follow about when to use these two words, as shown below.

What is another name for tell?

What is another word for tell?

describe narrate
recount relate
report say
speak state
utter divulge

What is the difference between talk and speak?

Speak usually only focuses on the person who is producing the words: He spoke about the importance of taking exercise and having a good diet. Talk focuses on a speaker and at least one listener, and can mean ‘have a conversation’: Speak focuses only on the person who is producing the words.6 dagen geleden