Is Georgia a 50 50 state when it comes to divorce?

Is Georgia a 50 50 state when it comes to divorce?

Georgia is an equitable distribution state, and courts will attempt to distribute assets in a divorce in a fair and equitable way, but not necessarily with a 50-50 split. There are several factors governing the division of assets that can impact the final outcome in many possible ways.

What are my rights as a mother in Georgia?

Unless the father has filed a legitimation order, the mother has all legal power. There are only two reasons an unmarried mother won’t automatically have sole legal custody over her child: The father signed a legitimation order at the hospital when the baby was born.

At what age can a child decide which parent to live with in Georgia?


Do I have to tell my ex about every doctor appointment?

Your ex-spouse needs to know about any and all prescriptions that your child is taking. If you are the primary conservator of your child it may be that you attend the majority of doctor’s appointments with him or her.

Can my girlfriend take my child to the doctor?

Yes its legal but the doctor should not have accepted the appointment unless it was pre-approved by a parent. You need to schedule a mediation to insure that this dos not happen again.

Can step parents sign school papers?

As a step-parent you don’t automatically have legal parental responsibility for your stepchild. This means you can’t legally authorise medical care, apply for passports, sign school forms and so on. Even after biological parents separate, they still have shared parental responsibility.

Can you make doctors appointments for someone else?

Appointments arranged by someone other than the patient are not a violation of HIPAA privacy rules. However, the discussion may not include confidential information given out by Group Health staff.

What do you say when making an appointment?

Making an appointment

  1. Let them know if you’re a new patient.
  2. Tell them the reason for your visit.
  3. Give them the name of your health insurance plan.
  4. Find out if you need to bring anything to the visit, like medical records or current medications.
  5. It’s important to know the name of the provider you’d like to see.

Can a spouse make a doctor’s appointment?

You can make an appointment for anyone. They are not allowed to give you any information without written permission from the patient. You can also call and leave the Dr a message with information you think they need to know.

Can I speak to a GP about someone else’s health?

If you have consent, you can speak about a friend or relative’s health with their GP.