Is it better to be the petitioner or the respondent in a divorce?

Is it better to be the petitioner or the respondent in a divorce?

Though you may have amicably agreed to divorce, one of you needs to start the process. That person will be the petitioner from that point on. There is no advantage or disadvantage to being either the petitioner or respondent. They are simply terms to make it easier to refer to each party during the divorce process.

How long can divorce be dragged out for?

After the judge signs your order, you must wait a total of 90 days from the date you filed the petition or from the date you served the petition before a judge is able to sign your divorce papers. And even then, your divorce may drag beyond the 90 days.

What happens if I avoid being served?

What Can a Judge Do if I Avoid Being Served? If they are avoiding a process server, a judge may allow the papers to be left at their home or business with any competent person over the age of 18. A judge may also allow the summons to be mailed to their home or business address via certified mail.

How many attempts will a process server make?

three attempts

Can a process server leave papers with someone else?

Process servers cannot leave papers in a person’s mailbox. By federal law, only authorized U.S. Postal Service employees are allowed to open the mailbox or touch the mail of another person.

Can a process server tape papers to your door?

In most circumstance as long as the process server can confirm the address and after they have made three attempts (Morning, afternoon & evening) a process server can tape the documents to the door.

How do you prove you were never served?

If you haven’t already, go down to the court house and get a copy of the proof of service from the records department. Identify the details of the service (where the services allegedly took place, the description of the person served etc.)

Can a process server follow you?

A Process Server Can Stakeout a Person While a process server cannot harass or stalk a person that he or she is serving with legal documents, the law does not prevent a process server from waiting outside of a home or business for the person to exit.

Can you tell a process server to leave?

The best policy is not to enter at all, and to announce service and leave the documents outside the door. The lawful occupier of the property has a right to ask someone to leave. If a process server is asked to leave, and does not do so, they could be subject to a charge of trespass.

Do process servers ask for ID?

Does the Process Server Ask for Sensitive Information? To help verify that they have the right person, real process servers often ask for basic identifying information – such as your name – before handing over the papers. They may be trying to steal your money or your identity using information they collect from you.

Can someone else be served on your behalf?

Generally speaking, any person of “suitable age” can be served if they are at the residence of the individual for whom the Summons or legal documents are intended. Also, a defendant/respondent generally has twenty (20) days to file an Answer assuming that they are in-state.

How do you serve someone you can’t find?

Here are a few ways that you may be able to use to locate the other party and to ultimately have him or her served.

  1. Personal Service.
  2. Send a Letter.
  3. Search for a Phone Number or Address.
  4. Use Social Media.
  5. Pay for a Person Search.
  6. Consider Contacting Others.
  7. Search Property Records.
  8. Use Another Address.

How can I sue someone if I don’t have their address?

If you don’t have the Defendant’s address, but know where they are you can still sue and serve them. What you ideally can do is hire a process server and give them as much informatoin on the Defendant as possible. If they can find the defendant and serve them with your filed lawsuit then service is satisifed.

Can you take someone to court without address?

One of the most common enquiries we get on a day-to-day basis is how to serve court documents without an address in which to serve them to. A court may attempt service of process via 1st class post to the last known address of the person being served.

Can you legally serve someone by email?

Can a legal notice be served by email? If you and the person have agreed that notification by email will be proof of notice, then you will need to have the agreement in writing. There is no law that states certified mail will serve as proof of notice in receiving legal documents.

Are emails considered written notice?

Email is increasingly accepted as a form of written notice, both in contracts and under statute, but is far from universal.

Who can issue a legal notice?

A legal notice is essentially a notice sent by an advocate on the behalf of his/her client. It is not mandatory for a person to send a legal notice through an advocate, he/she can send a legal notice on his/her own accord without the assistance of an advocate.

What if legal notice is not accepted?

If a legal notice remains undelivered then it holds no legal sanctity. Legal consequences of legal notice depend upon the fact that it is delivered. If the legal notice remains undelivered because the party refuses to accept it, then it goes against him treated as valid. It is not lawful to reject a legal notice.

How much does it cost to send a legal notice?

The general range is Rs. 1200 to 1Lac. depending upon the complexity. If you wish to send a legal notice you can kindly contact me through Vidhikarya and we shall give you the best possible rates.

Is it mandatory to reply to a legal notice?

It is not mandatory to respond to a legal notice but it is advisable to send an appropriate reply to the notice.

How do I avoid legal notice?

To avoid a legal dispute the parties can take necessary actions if in their opinion the case can be settled. The parties can settle the matter through negotiation, mediation or arbitration.

How does a legal notice look like?

A legal notice should contain all the material facts of the case. It should have the recipient’s name and address. The legal notice can be sent by the person himself or his lawyer. In the legal notice, the cause of action for filing the suit must be mentioned.

Can legal notice be sent by WhatsApp?

Serving of summons and legal notices through WhatsApp Traditionally, a legal notice is delivered through the postal system. Rohidas Jadhav, the Bombay High Court accepted the service of notice through WhatsApp as the blue ticks indicated that the message was delivered and read.

What happens when you get a legal notice?

It is given to settle the point of dispute between parties without going to the court of law. The object of the notice is to give opposite party an opportunity to reconsider his legal position and to make amends or afford restitution without recourse to a court of law.